T. Eliot, [erupt pure/mistress asserts I’m] toilet! (1)
T. Eliot nixes sex in toilet. (213)
T. Eliot sees toilet. (179)
T. Eliot (top bard) notes putrid tang emanating, is sad (I’d assign it a name) : “gnat dirt upset on drab pot-toilet.” (15)
Tab a sale ball, label as a bat. (278)
Tab defiled a deli-fed bat. 200
Tab mowed a jade wombat. 144
Tab, rate Nipsey’s (yes!) pine tar bat. 144
Tab ‘tasks’ at bat. 144
Tabor cadets, albeit odd, do tie blasted acrobat. (307)
Tabor, call acrobat. (85)
Tabor cases acrobat. 144
Tackle elk, cat! [“Tackle, elk-cat!”](98,531)
“Tact after fee?” fret fat cat. 144
Tact sold lost cat. (278)
Tact, solemnities, a bed and Edna: debase it in me, lost cat. (260)
Tactile disaster: germ regrets a side-lit cat. (260)
Tactile, he lit cat. 429
Taft (on side bed) is not fat? 144
Taft, some Rasta cats are most fat. 394
Take car — too far off for a footrace, Kat. 394
Take lure to vote Rule, Kat. 394
Taken in, I say drowsy, “Pepys–wordy, asinine kat!” (103)
Talia, fill a ball I fail at. 144
Tall eyewear reviver Rae we yell at. (260)
Tamales sat if I tassel a mat. 144
“Tamar,” I ape, “Repair a mat!” 144
Tamara, may a papaya mar a mat? 144
Tame Cal [passed Odessa/placed a decal] Place mat. (22,144)
Tame liver slave I demote, veto Medievals, revile Mat. (237)
Tame Mat. (332)
Tamed, I waste serene guess as ass Eugene resets a wide mat. (260)
Tamely grade, Ed, argyle mat. (1)
Tami, aimless, elm I aim at! 144
Tammy gasps, “A gym mat! 144
Tammy g[asps, “A/ot no dad onto/ot no lager-aware gal onto/ot no mom onto] gym mat!” 144
Tammy got nine men into gym mat. 358
Tan geese line Nile, see gnat. 23
Tan, gnat! 85
Tana, rid me of a foe MD I ran at. 200
Tandem attorney sees yen rot tamed Nat. 1
Tangelo, Ma caught a Bath guacamole gnat. 109
Tangerine men ire gnat. 144
Tangerines irk (risen ire!) gnat. 429
Tango, gnat! 285, 429
Tao bet is a rap, as West Nile lint sews a parasite boat. 237
Tao bet select Celeste boat. (237)
Tao: Bret’s yodel range gnarled oyster boat. (290)
Tao Brew opts a fast power boat. 144
Tao broom not sold, lost on moor boat. (237)
Tao gate emits a past: I meet a goat. (237)
Tao gem ordered Rome goat. (237)
“Tao gnome, deliver a tare–vile demon goat!” (237)
Tao gnome-devil foe dispute let up side of live demon goat. (237)
Tao: grail sees liar goat. (237)
Tao master frets a moat? 144
Tao may be by a moat. 144
Tao meditating, I, Ed, deign it a tide moat. (237-1)
Tap a note to victory by ROTC I vote to nap at. 144
Tap a tip: “pit-a-pat.” (85)
“Tap bats!” I say, “Reed locks Ed’s desk–cold,eery, as I stab Pat!” (71)
Tap Emil’s eye slime, Pat. (1)
Tap God’s dog, Pat. (237)
Tap Otto–pass a pot to Pat. (71)
Tap Pat. (00-many)
“Tap [sidecar I raced,/Sidra hard!/’signal slang’]” I spat. 144
Tap silly, ramate, wet amaryllis Pat. (1)
“Tap, sir,” I spat. 144
Tap, ‘six is Pat”. 485
“Tap Strega Nona,” Gert spat. 144
Tap testes I set–set pat! (1)
Tap xenon on expat. 429
Tape ‘I’ to tie, Pat. (269)
Tape [no one], Pat. ([67],85)
Tape, Pat! (85)
Taper a ram or feel glee from a rare pat. 144
Taper off “fore,” Pat. (200)
Tapes running, I sign in Nurse Pat. (71)
Tapes use Pat! (2)
Tapioca taco I pat. (278,144)
Tapioca to-go taco I pat. 144
‘Tapioca’ tungsten nets gnu taco I pat. 520
“Taps is sensuousness!” I spat. 144
Tapster frets Pat. 144
Tar [a rat at] Ararat! ([4], 144)
Tar all EMS if I smell a rat. 144
Tar baby B.A., brat! (200)
Tar begat snow, onstage brat! 429
Tar blatant natal brat. (355)
Tar: for evil liver of rat! (161)
Tar guru, rugrat! (1)
Tar obsesses Borat. 144
“Tar rest no more…zero…” Montserrat. (237)
Tara, can I win a carat? 144
Tara, cc Abe re baccarat. (200)
Tara got a rash Saratoga rat? 144
Tara, no pirate set a rip on a rat. 517
Tara [ran on/rases] Ararat. 144
Tara saw Bob was a rat. (233)
Tara saw retro Peron, no reporter, was a rat. 200
Tara says, “Sassy as a rat!” 144
Tara’s a rat! 1
Tara’s partner entraps a rat. (226)
Tart salsa has last rat. 144
Tarts rub at a burst rat. 144
Tarts rub, burst rat. (71)
Tarzan, raise Desi Arnaz rat. (7)
Tarzan raised Desi Arnaz’ rat. (6)
Tarzan raised a Desi Arnaz rat. (177?)
Tasing is a sign I sat. 144
Taw tasks a twat. (144)
Tear-gas Agra, ET. 144
Ted, a cad, eyed a cadet. 144
“Ted, a cadet, alerted a cadet, saw I DNA-tested a cadet, arrested a cadet, debated a cadet; so Pete posted a
cadet a bed Ted, a cadet, serrated: a cadet set and I wasted a cadet,” related a cadet. (260)
Ted, ace cadet! (161)
Ted acts, Al, as a last cadet. (200)
Ted, I, Baba, nab a bidet. 394
Ted, I ball [if I fill a/in a vanilla] bidet! 144
Ted, I banish tape paths in a bidet. 144
Tee from Ray’s sassy armor feet. 00
Tel Aviv erases a revival: E.T. (24)
Tell a ballet?! 85
Tell a banana, “Ballet!” 429
Tell a bare poet I cite opera ballet. 144
Tell a bat I await a ballet. (144)
Tell a bed’s procedure of a foe rude, “Corps de Ballet.” (237)
Tell a body, “Do ballet.” (110)
Tell a bone, “No ballet..!” 429
Tell a boy: “Kotow, two : Tokyo ballet.” 429
Tell a mam or feel glee from a mallet. 144
Tell a mama I am a mallet. 144
Tell a man I attain a mallet. (144)
Tell a man I gave damn unatoned art as a trade, not an unmade vagina mallet. (260)”
Tell a mate, “Get a mallet!” 00
Tell a patron, “Snort a pallet!” 429
Tell a plateman (on a morose dam-side by me) to note: my bed is made “so Roman” on a metal pallet. (148)
Tell a Van Ert re naval let. (1)
Tell a wan idiot: “Sam, assess a mastoid in a wallet 260
Tell Abe: see geese ballet! 394
Tell Abe to note ballet. 144
Tell Abe to vote ‘ballet.’ (97)
Tell abyssal cadets I listed a classy ballet. (260)
Tell Amat I await a mallet. 144
Tell Amy, “[Awa/m]y, mallet!” 144
Tell Amy we dab a dewy mallet. 144
Tell ET! (237)
Tell if [a] fillet. ([85],161)
Tell Imogene, “Go millet!” 429
Tell imp at Otto Neil’s elm, Leslie, not to tap millet. 254
Tell Uber if I fire bullet. (409, 144)
Tell, um, Ami I’m a mullet! 531
Tell Uma we hew a mullet. 144
Tell umpire we rip mullet! 429
Temerity may, Amy, tire Met. 200
Temerity my tire met. 249
Temple, help Met! (200)
Ten across I miss: orca net? 200
Ten Alps bordered Rob’s planet. (97)
Ten Alps live on no evil’s planet. (106)
Ten alps, no Omaha hay astride dirt: say “ah!”–ah, a moon’s planet. (277)
Ten, Amaro, for a Manet? 200
Ten animals did slam in a net. (191)
Ten animals I slam in a net. (73)
“Ten” animals slam in a net. 531
Ten dip a rapid net. (10)
Ten GIs assess a signet. 144
Ten game babes net a tense babe magnet. (260)
Ten game baby agas sass a gay babe magnet. (260)
Ten games oppose magnet. 144
Ten I back nip a pink cabinet. 144
Ten nobs sass bonnet. 144
Ten noses abase sonnet. 144
“Ten on trapeze part: no net!” (83)
Ten rags age Val, a Vegas garnet. 394
Ten rags assess as garnet. 144
Ten rocs, Sam, amass cornet. 144
Ten to ban a botnet! 394
Ten urbane poses open a brunet. (144)
Tenable was I ere I saw Elba net. (201)
Tender animals I slam in a red net. (260)
Tender, I wired net. (237)
Tender: red net. (98)
Tenet ‘C’ is a basis, a basic tenet. (16)
Tennessee sees sennet. 429
Tennis-bold, I did lobs in net. 144
Tennis bro sees orbs in net. 144
Tennis: God’s dog’s in net. 109
Tennis idea: Ed is in net. (260)
Tennis is in net. (237)
Tennis rats flog golf stars in net. (00)
Tennis set won, now Tess in net. (10)
Tennis: Tip spits in net. (71)
Tennis tips: “Saliva Vilas” spits in net! (00)
Tenor Octopus Night netted: a cadet (tenth!), Gin’s U-pot, coronet. (205)
Tenrec costs a last soccer net! 429
Tense Dave evades net. (110)
Tense, I bare rabies net. 429
Tense, I snap a pansies’ net. (98)
Tense, I “snap” Sharon roses, or Norah’s pansies net. (10)
Tense, Kate takes net. 144
Tense Rihanna hires Net. 144
Tense, ‘video Zoe’ dives net. (237)
Tent obsesses botnet! 144
Tentacle crap did parcel cat net. 144
Tenth cayman I rustle felt Surinam yacht net. (260)
Tents rub at a burst net. (260)
Tepee gal ate metal Agee pet! (97)
Terces spots is Ananasi’s top’s secret. 381
Terre Haute Prep nixes sex in perpetua, Herr E.T. 200
‘Tesla Eve’ reveals ET? 394
Tesla mice do decimal set. 429
Tesla pal’s ET. (237)
Tesla virtuosos out-rival set. 429
Tess, as Bob saw it, I was Bob’s asset. 394
Tess ate lemon omelet asset?! 144
Tess, I define my strategy: get artsy men if Ed is set. 372
Tess, I massage leg (as Sam is set). (372)
Tess laid a sanitary rat in as a dial’s set. (260)
Tess, laminate wet animals’ set (1)
Tessa evals saga’s slave asset. 423
Tessa, if a man I draw deems Neve’s DNA sexist amid exams a hobo has maxed, I’m at sixes and sevens … me, Edward, in a mafia’s set! (260)
Tessa met system asset. (201)
Tessa saw N.Y. Llewellyn was asset. (201)
“Tessa: snot,” sobs Tip, “made damp, it’s Boston’s asset.” (71)
Tessa, we call it nude porn, roped until lace was set. (260)
Tessa’s in Italy, Latin is asset. (10)
Tesseract care’s set. (200)
Tessy endorses Rodney’s set. 144
Test a fat set. 144
Test ego, get set! 144
Test ego to get set. 504, 144
Test figs as gift set. 200
Test relay alerts ET. 144
Test Sal’s last set. 144
Test set. (85)
Tested aces oppose cadet set. 144
Tester ref did ferret set. 144
Testes pull upset, set. (Testes’ pull upsets ET.) 429(-1)
Testify baby fits ET? 394
“Testify my ass!” say my ‘fit’ set. 144
Testimonials, slain, omit set. (260)
The fat cop spoke in a strange tongue: “Eugnot egnarts a niekop spoc tafeht.” (149)
The noon sex alert relaxes no one, H.T. (203)
There we were, H.T.! (71)
“Thru modem, Anna, I rat, ‘n’ e-mail rap at a parliamentarian named Omurht.” (71)
TI boyz OK rash Sarkozy obit. (255)
Tia wailed, “At a deli, a wait!” 144
Tia wastes sugar bale DNA costs I list, so candelabra gussets await. (260)
Tia wondered, “No wait?” 144
“Tibet, I bite bit.” 429
Tibetan ate bit. (237)
Tibetan Rose gages ornate bit. 144
Tibetan royal piano revs Verona: I play ornate bit. (260)
Tide dice decided it. 429
Tide: Big Top’s spot gibed it. 83
Tide illusion: Aestas at sea — no, I sullied it. 423
Tide lured it, tide ruled it. 394
“Tide mate taken in”, I say, as if I say asinine Kate tamed it. (260)
“Tide Maneuvers” revue named it. 429
“Tide man-law” Al named it. (200)
Tide net safe soon: noose fastened it. (10)
Tide reverse; no one’s revered it. (290)
Tide reviled and bad dab DNA delivered it. 411
“Tide-red rots”–I dunno; Sam, a mason nudist, ordered it. (1)
Tide suffused it. 429
Tide, vast in use’s unit, saved it. 144
Tides are sedition; a hostile divide lit so Hanoi tides erased it. (260)
Tides opposed it. (237)
Tides, sorcery, lateness or calamaris: as I ram a lacrosse net, a lyre crossed it. (260)
Tie cap if I pace it. 144
Tie cart if I trace it. 144
Tie ceded, I hide deceit. 394
Tie dame when, eh, we made it. 144
Tie dice diodes use, do I decide it? 429
Tie dirt, Sam, if I’m astride it. (260)
Tie frustrated unsure Profs to obese boots for Peru’s nude tart surfeit. (260)
Tie gag, Ned, engage it! 394
Tie it! (many)
Tie: it is a spastic item, so can I tip it in a cosmetic it saps as i tie it? (260)
Tie it to node: most eye doctors rot code yet some do not tie it. (260)
Tie Kamala–make it! 144
“Tie Katie, I take it?” 1
“Tie Katie on a canoe I take it?” 144
Tie Kato to take it. 144
Tie kundalini, lad-nuke it! 429
Tie lode, we dole it! 429
Tie lots if I stole it. 144
“Tie Man” did Abe bad, I’d name it. 417
Tie [man did name/ye] it. (237)
Tie mitts in a task coma; tell Liz I’ll let a mock satanist time it. (260)
Tie no bow-two bone it! 429
Tie, nod, Eve…we’ve done it! (237)
Tie Ron (GI Ron) or ignore it. 144
Tie sold–old Edna and Ed lose it… 397-1
“Tie?” taipans snap, “I ate it!” (260)
Tie tardy herbal slab, rehydrate it. 429
Tie us, sir, or issue it! (62)
Tie, vomit on knot–I move it! 429
Tied a metal by moss, so my blade made it. 429
Tied, amok, a mako made it. 429
Tied, Amy made it. 144
Tied, [I hiss, “I’m Sid – it’s a mast I dismiss -] I hide it!” ([71] 429)
Tied, I sniff, “OK, cuff fat sons at a vat as no staff fuck off inside it.” (260)
Tied, iced, I decide it. 429
“Ties are ties, arena man: erase it, erase it!” 429
Tie’s reverie–I reverse it! 429
Tight era: zany trades, Ira, ’til I’m a militarised arty Nazareth git. (260)
Til aide waste let irony, sir, copy hypocrisy, no rite lets awe dial it. (260)
‘Til less rot I deliver, evil editors sell it. (00)
‘Til liking is a sign I tamed a mix I made, mating is a sign I kill it. (260)
Til lips spill, Lana, can all lips spill it? 408
‘Til nude yet, can Angie feign an act eyed unlit? (1)
Tiles run apart as saps pass a trap a nurse lit. (260)
Till I win a man, I will it! 394
Till I win, I will it. 413
Till it O Toro; rototill it! (71)
Till it ’til lit! (4)
Tilt cap, I had a loud duo, lad–a hip act lit! (1)
Tilt ego to get lit! 144
Tim, Arch, to be sure peruse both, cram it. (62)
Tim, as a scam in a ribald lab I ran iMacs as Amit. 200
Tim, as demanded, named Sam “it.” (226)
Tim Burton did not rub MIT. (356)
Tim busies a case I submit. 144
“Tim, business Elton did, did not lessen” I submit. (260)
Tim, “business Elton” did not lessen, I submit. 408
“Tim–bust, submit!” (9)
Tim busted a cadet: “submit!” 372
Tim, Dan acts if I cap a sap, as a pacifist can admit. (200)
“Tim, Darjeeling is a sign,” I, Lee Jr, admit. 394
Tim Egerton paws mirror, Rena: an error–rim-swap, not re-gem it! (11)
Tim, ere we rise, draw a stiff: it’s a war desire we remit. (260)
“Tim,” I assert, (I, a waitress!) ” aim it.” (200)
“Tim, I–I’m it!” (1)
Tim, I led isms I delimit. 144
Tim, I love Devo limit. 144
‘Tim’ it! (2)
Tim lifted a cat; Elton did not let a cadet film it. (260)
Tim, mad, emits such gusto, “I dis SOB boss idiots, ugh, cuss time: dammit!” 423
Tim (madder ogre) dips evil, li’l live spider: gored, dammit! (1)
Tim, madder, made a glass algae dam red, dammit! (254)
Tim, madder, reigniting, “I erred, dammit!” 200
Tim made no stinky spyglass; a vassal gypsy knits one, dammit! (260)
Tim made us sign it “Lover”–a revolting issue, dammit! (307)
Tim made us sue, dammit! (307)
Tim, must a deb beg off if fog ebbed at summit? 200
Tim must [act at c/assuage Gauss ]at summit. (71)
Tim must assess at summit. 144
Tim, must I, Moses, omit ‘Summit’? (77)
Tim must now iron or I won’t summit! (307)
Tim must [rap art/rep a pert] summit. (144)
Tim must salt a path, tap at last summit. 429
Tim must sell a tan teapot atop Aetna (tallest summit). (307)
Tim must sell attar at tallest summit. 144
Tim must summit. 426
Tim, oilrig Asian infidels add a sled if Nina is a girl I omit. (260)
Tim (on a canoe) Leona can omit. 394
Tim, one month, girlies ban an abseil right no men omit (260)
Tim, one mower upsets a troll or tastes pure women omit. 260
Tim Ott (new) went to MIT. 144
Tim, over a hard nut, saw Emil’s slime was tundra hare vomit. (307)
Tim, over arsenic cave, vaccines rare vomit. (252)
Tim overate: tare vomit! 144
Tim overeats a penne pasta, ere vomit. 394
Tim rehab obese Bob, a hermit. 394
“Tim rehash GIs” sighs a hermit. 144
Tim, rehydrate tardy hermit. (372)
Tim, repair aria permit. 144
Tim repaid Acadia permit. 144
Tim reports Astro permit. 144
Tim repos Sal’s lasso permit. (144)
Time his ad as I hem it. (336)
Time I did live, evil did I emit. (201)
Time lapses pale MIT. 144
Time–old Edna and Ed, lo, emit. 397-1
“Timed, lo, time emits time, Em!” I told Em it. 1
Time-wasting nits awe MIT. (260)
Timid as Ma, I am sad I’m it. (62)
Timid, I hid–I’m “it”. (307)
(timid) If I dim it? 485
Timid, I’m ‘it’. (85-1)
Timid, O God, I’m it! (110)
Timid royal procrastinating is Ed’s design: I tan its arc or play or dim it. (260)
Timor family peels for Ian: air of sleepy Lima from it. (260)
“Tim’s verses suck cock!” cusses Rev. Smit. (71)
Tin abusing is a sign I sub an “it.” (237)
Tin age–benign engine began it. 394
Tin, as it is, it is an “it.” (237)
Tin ( I sip it, Tip) is in it. (200)
Tin is in it! (00)
Tin: it senses a goddess I kissed, do gases nest in it? 260
Tin maddens Ned: “Damn it!” 144
Tin made me, damn it! 144
Tin made Ron snore, damn it! (177)
Tin opus: semifinal plan if I mess up on it! 429
Tin use divides unit. 372
Tin Utah clears Israel chat unit. (237)
Tin woos, so own it! 144
Tina, can it! (307)
“Tina, Emil, I mean it!” (97)
Tina emits a fast, “I mean it!” 144
Tina emotes reverse–to mean it! 144
Tina, I lick cilia nit. 144
Tini saw drawer, a reward was in it. (00)
Tinker, reknit! (85)
Tinkerer, can an acre reknit? 429
“Tin-made car, O Horace–damn it!” (71)
Tino, dump mud on it! (128,307)
Tino laid a dial on it. (309)
Tino, Ma has bursitis, rubs a ham on it. 423
Tino ‘n’ I saw, sir, in a way a wan Iris was in on it. 200
Tino, piss poor troops sip on it. 200
Tino relapse–he’s paler on it. (331)
Tino, sail had dahlias on it! 1
Tino saw regals toss Senor a bonfired roll I will order if no baroness sot’s lager was on it. (307)
Tino’s poopy baby poops on it. (307)
Tino’s retsina canister’s on it. (307)
Tint it, nit! 485
Tio, did I do it? 200
Tio, ‘twas sung–gnus saw to it. (1)
Tip a clam in a tub, but ‘animal cap’ it. (4)
Tip a motel ball at a fish; tap paths if at all able to map it. (260)
Tip, also, slap it. 429
Tip an Irish serf–fresh, Sir–in a pit. (71)
Tip an item I met in a pit. 144
Tip big pin, nip Gib pit. (355)
Tip: E. Kansas is a snake pit! (27)
Tip, I sip it. (200)
Tip: I zip it. 144
Tip: Integrate target, nip it. 144
Tip it! (many)
“Tip it!” I say as I tip it. (266)
Tip Lupe to note pulpit. 144
Tip Lupe’s reverse pulpit. 144
Tip mud, roll, or dump it? 394
Tip mule when, eh, we lump it. 144
Tip ‘n’ I pee, deep in pit. (71)
Tip on a nano-pit. (237)
Tip on no pit. (4)
Tip ordered, “Ro, pit!” (200)
Tip rat at a tarpit. 144
Tip re grub at a deli: a teriyaki, Kay, I retailed at a burger pit. 200
“Tip, Ruby: burp it!” 485
“Tip snot!” I say, “Noses running, I sign in Nurse Sonya, sit on spit!” (71)
Tip swore to note row spit. (200)
Tip was, “I saw pit.” (237)
Tips defy Fed’s pit! 394
Tips disparage mega-raps I’d spit. 408
Tips drown in word spit. (277)
Tip[‘s on no] spit? (1)
Tip’s secret to Roy R.: “Accept peccary, or otter cesspit!” (71)
Tips spill, lips spit. (00)
Tip’s top sedan is in a despot’s pit. 144-1
Tipsily, baby, lisp it. 394
“Tipsiness elite set I lessen,” I spit. 144
Tipster Bret spit.(200)
Tipster fret spit. 144
Tipster frets pit. 144
Tipster Geri regrets pit. 144
Tipsy, a Jay spit. 200
Tipsy Amy may spit! 144
Tipsy, as I’d lose both teeth (to be sold), I say: “spit?” 394
Tipsy ass assays pit. 144
Tipsy Ma, off on Aegean of foamy spit. 307
Tipsy madam, mad Amy, spit. (200)
Tipsy or not, Sis, Nina can insist on Roy’s pit. (71)
Tipsy, we do dewy spit. 144
Tip-top sedan is in a despot pit. 144
Tiramisu, pot, cod, octopus–I mar it. (260)
Tiramisu-cola locus: I mar it. 411
Tire, drum, murder it. (290)
Tire monster frets: “No merit?” 144
” ‘Tired’ is no cost–so consider it!” 144
Tired, no plan, I fret semester Final, ponder it. (372)
Tired—no pot to ponder “it.” (237)
Tired nude, draw a star as a rat’s awarded under it. (260)
Tired nude I rub won Sid ‘n’ Amos’s ol’ blossom and is now buried under it. (260)
Tired, nude, I, Ruby, do basic tests etc. … is a body buried under it? (260)
Tired, nude, we lit a love volatile—wed under it! 133
Tired nude idyll at a free dam; a deer fatally died under it. (260)
Tired nude Tatum stars as rats mutated under it. (307)
“Tired nudes I met in a diadem, and a cadet, are both sure we rush to be rated,” a cad named Aidan itemised under it. (260)
Tired nudes[, pale, relapsed/sip it–I pissed] under it. (307)
Tired nugget I bit, egg under it. 429
Tired nut on pop, not under it. (290)
Tired robot to border it. 429
‘Tis a heme meme has it! (1)
‘Tis a heron; or it is a hydrolytic city … Lordy, has it iron ore, has it? (260)
“‘Tis a wrong,” I say, “a sign–or was it?” 144
“‘Tis arena fan era: Sit!” (83)
‘Tis burlap: a pal rubs it. (260)
‘Tis but an Irish sin if I finish, Sir, in a tub-sit. (71)
‘Tis I, daft Sal’s last fad, is it? (1)
‘Tis I, is it? (98)
‘Tis I, Vera Ray–a potted ace cadet, to pay a rare visit. (110)
‘Tis in a can I dump mud; in a can I sit. (71)
‘Tis in a can, I’m Adam; in a can I sit. (71)
“‘Tis in a can,” I puff, “It’s a hole – Tom’s Motel – oh, a stiff, up in a can, is it?” (71)
‘Tis in a canoe I lie, on a can I sit. (71)
‘Tis in a cast (if, Tim, it fits), a can I sit. (71)
‘Tis in a DeSoto sedan I sit. (307)
‘Tis in arid Iran I sit. (307)
Tis iron, or is it? 144
‘Tis ironic I regard I’d rage ricin, or is it? 144
‘Tis it! (2)
‘Tis Ivan O’Malley if I yell, “Am on a visit!” 144
‘Tis Ivan on a visit. (10, 144)
‘Tis Liam e-mails it. (68)
“‘Tis meet, sex on a sad dais,” I add, “as an ox esteems it.” (254)
‘Tis muse sums it. (83)
‘Tis night, I, with gin, sit. 402
” ‘Tis Opie”, I posit. (144)
‘Tis time, sir, I Sotadic acid at Osiris emit, sit. (106)
‘Tis won, knit-all; Latin knows it. (237)
“Tissot, toss it.” (237)
Tissued, Amy made us sit. 307
Tit solicitor emails Liam, “Erotic, I lost it!” 144
Titan rubs burn a tit. 144
“Titanic” ain’t eligible to hate grower crew, or get a hotel big; I let niacin at it. (260)
“Titanic,” I summarise, “Yes, I ram music in at it”. (260)
Title bid: I belt it. (260)
Title felt it. (237)
Title fit–I felt it! (237-1)
Tito got it. 200
Tit burst if it’s, “Rub tit!” 1
“Tits” — old Edna and Ed lost it! 397
Tit rub if I burst it! 144
Titus, is UT it? 200
Tix if I fix it? (200)
To badness… send a bot! 394
To ban, I attain a bot…144
“To be, Dave, evade bot.” 394
To be e-PAC serene I won’t fard $ on patinaed Dean; I tap no $, draft no wiener, escape e-bot. (107)
To be sure, deceive, vie, cede ruse, Bot! (1)
To be sure, I’d lost soldier-use bot! (1)
To be volatile, we lit a love bot. 144
To blather away at snacks, a can or a banana bar on a cask can stay a war, eh Talbot? (260)
To Borat I hit a robot. 144
To Borat, on misdeeds I’m not a robot. 144
To bordello dietary guru, gyrate idol-led robot! 429
To bordello rolled robot. 429
To bordello task say no before lure ruler of ebony asks a tolled robot. 429
To bore, mime robot. 394
To bore no nurses, run one robot. (260)
To bore not one man, name not one robot. 413
To bore us, I sue robot. 144
To bored Iris, I ride robot. 429
“To boredom mode, robot!” (184)
To Borg, I [bag a big/dig] robot. 144
To boring ISP, sign iRobot. 144
To Boris it is I, Robot. 200
To “bye” bone men obey bot. 394
To can, I attain a cot. 144
To crawl, a birth’s in a Danish tribal war cot. (260)
To date Gia, I get a dot. 144
To date, we wet a dot. 144
To decide, we dice Dot! 144
To die, lay a lei, Dot. 144
To dip piss is simple: help Mississippi, Dot. (260)
To dire pagans: nag a peridot. (260)
To do God, Di wondered, now I’d do “Godot?” 200
To dog a Semite film, lift a pat film lifetimes ago, Dot. (260)
To dot, sir, is to dot. 97
To drool fix, I floor dot. (237)
To fly flag, Elliot, test: is it set to illegal fylfot? (260)
To fly, flay or flow, add a wolf-royal fylfot. (260)
To gain a man in a mania, grab a bargain a man in a mania got. (260)
To get a date, pat a pet a date got. (260)
To get a gel on me, get a gay agate gem no legate got. (260)
To get a helipad, I hid a pile hate got. (260)
To get a keg, Del won Klan race riots, to ire carnal knowledge Kate got. (260)
To get a kepi, pass a pipe Kate got. (260)
To get a man a van [I trap at a signing, I sat apart/I’m] in a van a mate got. (260)
To get a man, I [evaded a ve/get a date g/pass a p]in a mate got. (260)
To get a mania, grab a bargain a mate got. (260)
To get a mass aroma fox, I may beg remote Meg: rush, kiss me, opening nine poems Sikhs urge me to merge by a mix of a morass a mate got. 260
To get a mast, I beg an amenable Bali bomb mob I label “bane”, “manage bits a mate got”. (260)
To get a mastiff (OK), cat (tall order), Omani rat (societal boost) or rapt parrot (so oblate), I co-star
in a more droll attack of fits a mate got. (260)
To get a mate, James deeds ’em a jet a mate got. (260)
To get a mate’s sugared nude women, a Dane mowed under a gusset a mate got. (260)
To get a rake-off, fit sane ponies I rise in open a stiff foe karate got. (260)
To get a ripe lamb, elect a fan a fat celeb male pirate got. (260)
To get a ripe nib as a reward, assess a drawer a Sabine pirate got. (260)
To get a ripe note, nab a net one pirate got. (260)
To get a ruck radared, I cap a cider a dark curate got. (260)
To get at Net options, we need Net tarot, or attendee news no IT potentate got. (260)
To get at sane men, a snide dire dresser derided insane men a state got. (260)
To get in a brute’s pun, aspire to mere remote rips an upset urbanite got. 260
‘To get’ is opposite ‘got’. 133
To G.I.: Ball a bigot! (144)
To gibe, mime bigot. 394
To Gil, Lasik is “all I got.” 408, 144
To Gill, a spa “saps all I got”. (1)
To give Levi a name Deon ate, get an oedema naive Levi got. (260)
To glasnost’s rift, first son Sal got. (260)
To Gramma, I am Margot. 480
To grammar pupils: if I slip up, ram Margot. (260)
To ham game, dame made magma hot. 144
To ham god, peek in at ash satan–I keep dogma hot! 429
To handle balisaur uglies, ban an abseil guru as I label DNA hot. (260)
To hell it’s a pastille, hot. 429
To help martyr denim pals, I slap mine dry, trample hot. 429
To help massages, use gas sample hot. 429
To help mask Osama’s ode man in arid Iraq/arid Iran, I named Osama’s OK sample hot. (260)
To help me – ’til a mate got to go – got to get a Mali temple hot. (260)
To help Pa sleep, peels apple hot. (290)
To her I fire hot! 144
To Hera, [secret terces/senna Annes/serif fires/spa’s saps] are hot! 470
To Hera, silly ram, amaryllis are hot. 481
To here, we mossy obese boys order red rosy obese boys: some were hot. (260)
To Hilo, I vary my ravioli: hot. 200
To hoot, Honig, rival a virgin oh-too-hot. (1)
To host on-site set is not-so-hot! 144
To Idi Amin, I’m a idiot. (177)
To Idina, [refer/Sid is/Sir is] an idiot. 144
To Ira, [Siamese ma/Sid] is a riot. (144)
To Iran I flee, Rosa, sad as a sore elf in a riot. (260)
To Iraqi test set, IQ a riot! (88)
To irate emir, I meet a riot. 144
To jibe Deb, I jot… 394
To join man in amnio, jot. 429
To LA Pan did nap a lot. 500
To lab: albatrosses sorta blab a lot. (255)
To labor–burglar of oral grub–rob a lot! (00)
To labor, I rob a lot. 144
To lad Al astronaut nag raged,”Amy made gargantuan ort salad a lot. ” 144
To lad, “Eh, so my Lima family moshed a lot?!” (1)
To lad, I [b/d/h/k]id a lot. 144
To lad I bark rabid a lot. 144
To lade Enid, I need a lot! 144
To ladle, I [y/w]ield a lot. 144
To ladle wan alpine men, I plan a weld a lot. 260
To ladle, we weld a lot. 144
To Lake Erie rim, all a mire, I reek a lot! (82)
To Lana, I say, “Asian” a lot. 144
To Lana: omit “I moan a lot.” 144
To Lanai POTUS is Utopian a lot. 200
To lap up a spilt aftosa tot, a sot fat-lips a pup a lot. (260)
To lap up, assess a pup a lot. 144
To lap up, I zip up a lot. 144
To lapse, refer ESP a lot. 144
To laser ace, he cares a lot. (260)
To laser, if simian AI misfires a lot? 394
To lash taped art, I trade paths a lot. (260)
To lash tribes, reverse births a lot. (260)
To lasses so pitiable, do men I fine model bait I possess a lot? (260)
“To lasso ballet’s rot, I deliver evil”, editors tell a boss a lot. (260)
To lasso bees, I see Boss a lot. (260)
To lasso Tim, I toss a lot. 144
To lasso, torero, toss a lot. 394
To lasso, toss a lot. 144
To lasso two newts I partner, ruck a ewe, not one weak-current rapist we now toss a lot. (260)
To last, cadet overseer Fifi frees revoted acts a lot. (260)
To last, Carter retracts a lot. (19)
To last, film lifts a lot. 144
To last, I milk limits a lot. (144)
To last, I bag igloo-fool gigabits — a lot! 200
To last, I denote virility ’til I rivet on edits a lot. (260)
To last, I tow two tits a lot. (144)
To last in a van–it’s a lot! 144
To last in K-Mart, Stram knits a lot. 200
To last, it’s a lot! 144
To last, RAF, emit noontime farts a lot. 200
“To last raft: a cat farts a lot!” 394
To last, Rebecca, cc Eberts a lot. (200)
To last, serene guests, Eugene rests a lot. 429
“To last, Socrates, use tar (costs a lot).” 83
To last so, Claire, abuse on a canoe – subaerial – costs a lot. (260)
To last so, credible bona fides used if a Nobel bid, er, costs a lot. (260)
To last, sock costs a lot. 144
To last, we net effete newts a lot. (144)
To lay a bad egg, anti-semite Moslem academia maimed a camel: sometimes it nagged a bay a lot. (260)
To lay a [belle, b/papa, p]ay a lot. (144)
To lay a plan, I’m on nominal pay a lot. (260)
To lay a sign, I sit in a sewer, “Are we sanitising?” I say a lot. (260)
“To lay as Nemo – when I am Ed, Reg, Elton, Sid or Rod – is not legerdemain, eh?” women say a lot. (260)
“To lay aside little cares, I ran on a riser a Celt tiled,” I say a lot. (260)
To lay aside poor dissipated acts in a non-AWOL lair, I allow an onanist cadet a piss: “I drooped!” I say a lot. (260)
To lay babes, I wax a wise baby a lot. (260)
To lay barb, assess a bra by a lot. 144
To lay benign erotica packs, I risk capacitor engine by a lot. (260)
To lay, Ned, deny a lot. 1
To lay on nailed Omani artists, I train a model I annoy a lot. (260)
To lay-by all lists, I’ll lay-by a lot. (260)
To layer, go grey a lot. 144
To laze, pass a Pez a lot. 144
To lazily ape no-one, pay Liz a lot. (260)
To Lem, actors rot Camelot. 144
To Leo, “Bored Rob, order oboe lot. (290)
To let a lad eye Bosnia, mere remains obeyed a late lot. (260)
To let in a brush, turn Ruth’s urbanite lot. (260)
To let in a brutal fate, get a flat urbanite lot. (260)
To let in gig, or frog, ignite lot. (237)
To lip, suit no Pontius Pilot. (98)
To lip, tons of UFO snot, pilot. (237)
To LSU, O engineer, game estates eras are set at seem a green igneous lot. (260)
To nets, ah, no, son haste not. (5or10)
To nip, a foe tips Nia in spite of a Pinot. 144
To note dull aisles made vital up in a motel, I pay a pile to manipulative damsels I allude to not. (260)
To obey, dye boot. 144
To obstruct, I hit Curt’s boot. 144
To obtain Alpine pen, I plan (I at boot.) (237)
To OCS I scoot. (200)
To often let a gang nix obesity, Les, or proselytise boxing, nag a telnet foot. (260)
To old elf, it stifled loot. 144
To Olga, we wag loot. 144
To Opal, I avail a poot. 144
To order cassettes, sack cassettes’ sacred root. 260
To order, Red–root! (16-1, 237)
To order tan oil, sex, ale…relaxes lion at Red Root. (237)
To osmose, besom soot. 144
To Ossie, garage is soot. 144
To Otis, I toot. 144
To pan: “Is Babe kebabs in a pot?” 394
To panic in a pew, we panic in a pot. 260
To pass, I [k/p/m]iss a pot. 144
To pat cafe trades I’m in, I maximise it in a sniff of off insanities; I mix a minimised artefact, a pot. (260)
To pat one weasel – if Edna is sure no-one’s procedural – let’s tell a rude corpse no-one Russian defiles a ewe not a pot. (260)
To peer far, ask Sara: “Free pot?” 394
To poll a Gallup, I pull a Gallo pot. (278)
To poo rag, naked I ride kangaroo pot. 429
To Pope, repo pot. 144
To pose, Mimi, mime so: pot. 394
To posse: “Manila Ed is a crank narc!” (as I deal in a mess o’ pot!) (00)
‘To pots’ refers to pot? 485
To press orgasms, a crass goddess I patted never used a made-sure vendetta … pissed dogs sarcasm’s a grosser pot. (260)
To prevent a rat, never pot. (237)
To prevent sulks, I risk lust, never pot. (260)
To prevent sums of units, tangle falafel gnats tin UFOs must never pot. (260)
To pro: frisk a yak, sir, for pot! 394
To profess a time, dared, nude, I rub stars rats buried under a demitasse for pot. (260)
To propose, assess Aesop or pot! 144
To Raisa, “Did Asia rot?” 144
To rate Sue, sir, I rise, use tarot. 200
To rate Sue, use tarot. 144
To rate suite set, I use tarot. 144
To rate [surer, use/, we] tarot. (144)
To ratio, I tarot. 429
To retaliate, Retail ate rot…429
To rib, I lap up alibi rot. 429
To rock, sire, we risk Corot. 200
“To Talladega,” raged Al, L.A. tot. (200)
“To task, say?” asks a tot. 394
To taste GOP meth, tempo gets a tot. 144
To video trial run kid, I knurl air toe divot. 429
To VIP I pivot. 144
To viper I do dire pivot. 429, 144
To viper, I wire pivot. 429
To viper pit I pre-pivot. 429
To wit, I wot. (85)
Tod–“Asia is a dot?” 485
Tod asks, “Irene risks a dot?” (71)
Tod stops ‘n’ spots Dot. 500
Today a pain ode came solo to Greece: ergo, to lose Macedonia, pay a dot. (260)
Today, a war afoot, we decimate beta mice, dew too, far away, a dot. 429
Today, as I rise, Sir, I say, “A dot!” (71)
Today, as we fall ill, a few say, “A dot!” 144
Today, call a fallacy a ‘dot’. 429
Today, names use many a dot. (237)
Today, Ned did deny a dot… 144
Today’s words are: Eras, drowsy, a dot. 459
Todd erases a red dot. (97)
Todd, I did Dot! (1)
Todd, “I’d say no to cat taco, Tony, as did Dot.” (71)
Togaed in acid, I caw, “Oh how acidic an idea got!” (260)
Toil, Eliot. (161)
Toil estimates set: am I T. S. Eliot? (260)
“Toil less–act up!” put Cass Elliot. 144
Toil lessens selflessness, Elliot. (260)
Toil lets in a gross organist, Elliot. 144
Toilet lovers revolt Eliot. 394
“Toilet not new–wow!” went on T. Eliot. (1)
Tolerate tare lot. (85)
Toll a ball if I fill a ballot! 144
Toll Aileen an eel I allot. (254)
Tom, no brat, saw a star bon mot. 144
Tom rams a mama’s marmot. 144
Ton ’tis, Isis, is it not? 200
Tone: “Capital flat I pace not.” (237)
Tone, divide not. (237)
“Tone sure no good,”–I, Reg, did assess a didgeridoo–“goner, use not.” 423
Tonga, sag not! (109)
Toni, kudos O.D. UK in OT! (1)
Toni, pastor trots a Pinot. (144)
Toni Tennille fell in net; I not! (304)
Toni, Zandra hated a cadet; a hard Nazi, not. (254)
Toni passed Odessa Pinot. 144
Tonka deity-baby tied a knot. (185)
Tonka did a knot? 1
Tonsil is soft, [a cat] fossil is not. 429
Tonsillitis: I sit ill, I snot. 429
Tonsillitis is a banana reviver, an anabasis I till is not. (260)
Tonsure, Ted, did deter us not. 394
Tonsured Nero, render us not. 77
Tonsured nihility rots a story ’til I hinder us not. (260)
Tony, Amy names a base; many may not. (260)
Tony, “Asian, I gave no men an anemone vagina–I say not!” (71)
Tony burdened Ruby not. (200)
Tonya doth promise to veto rote votes I morph today … not. (260)
Tonya may not… (61)
Too bad Elio boiled a boot. 144
Too bad Emma rammed a boot! (372)
Too bad I am too sad: a soot maid, a boot! 429
“Too bad!” I bid a boot. 1
Too bad I did a boot! 429
Too bad, I hewed a fade, we hid a boot. 429
Too bad, I hid a boot. (many)
Too basic is a boot! 144
Too big a bag I boot. (260)
Too big, bang-answer crew snag, nab GI boot. (237)
Too, both selfies use i-Flesh, to boot. 200
Too familiar, I rail, “I’m a foot!” 144
Too familiar, Sir, is rail I’m afoot. (1)
Too far away, no mere clay or royal ceremony, a war afoot. (5or10?)
Too far, Edna, [we] wander afoot. (129,[10])
Too far, evocative Evita — cover a foot! 423
Too fast–it’s a foot! (71,144)
Too fast, Ned ordered rodents afoot! 394
‘Too fast’ reverts a foot. 144
Too fast, subpar crap busts a foot. 144
Too fat, so Lana lost a foot. (254)
Too fat, soldier Bob Reid lost a foot. 97
Too few owe foot. 144
Too few we foot…(237)
Too flat: emboldened, lob metal foot! 429
Too flat, empath, tap metal foot. 429
“Too flat, so pat a postal foot.” (237)
Too fleet, sad ewe, I’ve reviewed a steel foot. 429
“Too hip!” I hoot. 429
“Too hot, Tesla!” – F’s falsetto hoot. 429
Too late for pro feta loot? 144
Too late now, two net a loot! 429
Too late Zeta–loot! (237)
Too long I go: no gig, no loot. 413
Too, Lotte, log I “Rigoletto” loot? (200)
Too ‘mere’, we were moot. 429
Too rigid I dig, I root! 429
Too seedy, Ned, if I deny Dee soot? 394
Too snide, I rub my gym buried in soot. 144
Too snide, we Nereids die renewed in soot. 144
“Too tired is Nina, an insider,” I toot. 144
Too tragic to pass a pot cigar–toot! (237)
Too-cool Gina sees an igloo coot. 144
Tool ages a base galoot. 144
Tool was, I saw, loot. 531
Toomer aside, Jedis are moot. 144
Toomer asks, “IRA risks are moot?” 144
“Toot!” I say as I toot. (109)
Toot, O Toto, toot! (97)
Toot to not toot? 485
Tooth supple kelp, push toot. 429
Top a pot. (4)
Top a potato tot atop a pot. (98)
Top a regular egg, a denim or bromine dagger, a Luger, a pot. 71
Top editor sees roti depot. 14
Top nominee’s seen I’m on pot. 423
Top not a cat on pot. 394
Top pot! (312)
Top sedater fret a despot. 144
Top sedater got to Greta, despot. 144
Top, see referee spot. 454
Top Sinai “Latin” I saw was in Italian, I spot. 200
Top snob elect AG nipping at Celeb, on spot! 394
Top snow level won Spot. (237)
Top sot, Ogden Woo, owned go-to spot. 144
Top stage begat spot. 144
Top step: pup pets pot! (1)
Top step–Sara’s pet spot. (10)
Top step’s pup’s pet spot! (10)
Topaz zips us pizza pot. 429
Toped sage, rip me not on Empire Gas depot. (1)
Topekans animate tam in a snake pot. 144
Topekans assess a snake pot. 144
Topless Eve, Dave–evade vessel-pot! (71)
Topol led robot to bordello pot. 144
Topple kelp pot. (85)
Tops back cab spot. (237-1)
Tops in Islam mammal sin is pot?!? 200
“Tops is demon rum, rum,” I murmur, “no meds I spot.” 200
“Tops sup macabre herb!” — a campus spot. (1)
Tops to Gwen–turned den rut new, got spot. (278)
Tops to Hamas lab’s “Abbas Balsam”—a hot spot. (255)
Topsail had a dahlia spot. 144
Topseda’s a despot. (16)
Topsy, Tina, brute loud duo let urbanity spot. (1)
Topsydale Kansas–it is a snake lady spot! 97
Torc I tore: still, it’s erotic rot. (260)
Torn ACL can rot! 425
Torn ACL, I avail, can rot. 144
Torn, I again am liable to help misaward if I draw a simple hotel bailman I again rot. (260)
Torn ode: few lionise Noble Babel, bones in oil–we fed on rot. 394
Toronto got no rot. (many)
Torres, ol’ Connie Mack sat at a task, came in no closer–rot! (1)
Torrid Ana saw I was a nadir–rot! 200
“Tort–” I tell, ” let it rot!” 144
Tory–rot! (85)
“Tosh, Sir,” I snort, “I saw Roger, Reg – or was it Ron’s Irish sot?” (71)
“Tosh, sir, in a dell, a crew’s nastier on gin; ignore its answer!” called an Irish sot. (260)
Toths, I’m an Amish tot. (200)
Toss inept penis, sot! 144
Toss it in, I gave no one vaginitis, sot! (1)
Toss it, Tissot! (85)
Toss lariats on no stair–Al’s sot! (1)
Tote not one tot. 144
Tote tot. (many)
Toths, I’m an Amish tot. (200)
Toto took cuckoo to tot. 372
TP met no contempt. 200
TP met tacit sin, an onanistic attempt. 423T-Rex, exert! 485
“Trace carwash, saw racecart.” (237)
Trace, car wash saw race-cart. (327)
Trace Mag’s game cart! (98)
Trace not one cart. 144
Trace not stone cart. 429
Tracey, did I dye cart? 144
Traci, Damon sees nomadic art. 144
Traci, lob my symbolic art! 144
Traci, [men assess anemic/Nat assesses satanic/renege generic] art. 144
Traci tops [Ed’s/Edy’s sassy] despotic art. 144
Traci tore erotic art. (6)
Track cart. (98)
Trackless arcades I minimise; yes, I minimised a crass elk cart. (260)
Trackless elk cull, I assail luckless elk cart! 394
Traction, Eva, hews a Laos wonder I fired now … so alas, we have no IT cart. (260)
“Tracy, no panic in a pony cart!” (10)
Trade bad DA bed art. (70)
Trade bed art. (161)
Trade Bill I will—I bed Art. (237)
Trade car “Bee” braced Art. (237)
“Trade carbs!” braced Art. (1)
Trade daft, faded art! 429
Trade, dockside, disk code dart. 429
Trade–I rub BB buried, Art. (1)
Trade ill-used art; trade pared art; trade tarnish to moths in rated art; trade raped art; trade sullied art. (260)
Trade in Ed’s denied art. 144
Trade Kansas’ naked art. (33)
Trade life defiled art. (260)
Trade man named Art. (311)
Trade meets esteemed art. (260)
Trade no DNA, ban all its stir of live evil, for it’s still an abandoned art. (260)
Trade notes I web at Art Strata; be wise, toned art. (237)
Trade notes sap radar, pass ET one dart. (237)
Trade notes use toned art. (237)
Trade paths if a fish taped art. (260)
Trade RCA sacred art. 144
“Trade red roses!” ordered Art. (71)
Trade revered Art. (237)
Trade Ron or Ina for Eli (a nailer of an iron ore dart)? 394
Trade Susan as used[, A/a]rt. (102)
Trade tin UFOs’ work cats in; I stack rows of united art. (260)
Trade us, sir, or issue dart! 144
Trade war awed Art. (many)
Trade women as nine men, insane, mowed art. (260)
Trade ye no mere moneyed art! (10)
“Traded, no bared nudes I ram must sip a radical acid,” a rapist summarised under a bonded art. (260)
Traded, Oregon’s nog eroded art. (254)
“Trader, admit ‘ah ha'” Tim dared Art. (1)
Trader cast [a sign, “IV Lover Revolving”–is at] Sacred Art. (237)
“Trader, I am omega-made damage Mom aired.” –Art. (260-1)
Trader Ogre,[er,/ paper] gored art! (1)
Trader sees red art. 144
“Trader sees red, Art!” 1
Traders sell less red art. (3)
Trades abased art. (254)
Trades are erased[, A/a]rt. (160)
Trades are erased on stats, nodes are erased art. (260)
Trades I lit utilised art. (260)
Trades in me losing is a sign I solemnised art. (260)
Trades opposed art. (85)
Trade’s up on op, used art. 200
Trades used art. (237)
Trait named a Dem anti-art. 144
Traitor [did/sees] roti art. 144
Tram loops ADA spool mart. (36)
Trammel a sure Jerusalem mart. (85)
Trams erase dudes; oh those dudes are smart! (260)
Trams note: mace became ‘ton smart.’ (237)
“Tram’s side-door behavior, O Iva,” he brooded, “is smart.”(282-1)
“Trams to naval lava–not smart!” (164)
Trap a map, Art. (237)
Trap Al left fell apart. 144
Trap all afoot, I too, fall apart. (106)
Trap: anal Perot tore plan apart! (109)
“Trap Angie fart, name mantra, feign a part!” 429
Trap answer: Greta later grew snap art. 394
Trap as if I sap Art. (237)
Trap it, if I tip Art. (237)
Trap midday as I say, “add, impart.” 429
“Trap mildew or char one menorah!” crowed limp Art. (260)
Trap: Milo stones–oh!–those not so limp, Art. (1)
Trap red nut under part. (237)
Trap: Sal racks Anaconda, Dad–no can ask Carla’s part! (1)
Trap: set a gnoll or troll on gate’s part. 372
Trapeze, part! (85, 226)
Trapezist nip/tuck cut pintsize part. 423
Trapping no song, nip part. (237)
Traps part. (4)
Trash even interpret Nineveh’s art! (112)
Trash kismet system: Sikhs’ art. (260)
Trash subsidiary raid is Bush’s art. (1)
Trash Tim Smith’s art. (71)
Trash toga goth’s art. 144
Trash tribe births art. 429
Tray, be by Art. (237)
Trays or pelmets stem leprosy art. (260)
Tray’s ‘simple help’, Missy Art. (00)
Trebek I like, Bert. (200) [Trebek, I like Bert.]
Trebek, IRT sot’s to strike Bert! (200)
Treble, [D]Elbert! (16,[85])
Treni saw Mesa as Em was inert. (48)
Tres sad I am: a ‘roid diorama, I’d assert. 200
“Tres said, ‘No Paris, Sir–a pond!'” I assert. (312)
Trevor even saw, in Aristotle’s severe vessel, tots — I ran; I was never overt. (282)
Tri-Delt rats startled IRT. (200)
Trident uses Utne dirt. 144
Trini, pot’s at a stop in IRT. 200
Trini spot, paleface, cafe laptops in IRT. (200)
Trip up IRT. (200)
Trope lets telepath tape, let’s teleport. 429
Trot, Demi, a maniac ire masks America in a maimed tort. (109)
“Trot, Eric.” I retort. 144
Trot sad ex–indeed finesse’ll lessen if deed nixed as tort! (1)
Troy met a god as a dog ate my ort. (307)
Truce by Amy may be curt. 144
Truces oppose Curt. (144)
Truck, Curt! (85)
Truckee, seek Curt. (237)
Tsetse fly won no Wylfe’s Test. (260)
“Tsetse Kate” takes test. 144
T-sip Arla ire’s at a serial rapist. (200)
Tub, ask car traffic if far tracks abut.(1)
Tubas abut. (260)
Tube date set a debut. 144
Tube drew a rawer debut. 144
Tuck, sir, I risk cut. 200
Tucson is a casino’s cut. 429
Tucson, or Cronos, cut? (237)
Tug at a gut. (4,144)
Tug, no draw a knife, ye fink–award on gut. (236)
Tug to Lae Zero’s sore zealot gut! (254)
Tulsa amuses Uma, a slut. (307)
Tulsa Ma damned a den madam (a slut). 469
Tulsa maid I ask said I am a slut. 144
Tulsa, Miami: I maim a slut. (16)
“Tulsa night life: filth, gin, a slut.” (00)
Tulsan erased a Hades arena slut. 144
Tulsa’s [mom’s] a slut. (98,[37-1])
Tundra casino’s son is a card nut. 144
Tundra had a hard nut. 528
Tundra has sorceries less elongated, a jade tag no less, else I re-cross a hard nut. (260)
Tune lit civic tile nut. (237)
Tung Nimoy was a Wyoming nut. (245)
Tunnel lops pollen nut. (144)
“Tunnel luster..?” fret sullen nut. 144
Tunney as is, alas, is a yen nut. 200
Tupac won [cigar…tragic…]–now caput. (217)
Tupac’s caput! (304-1)
Turd, do not solicit Poopy, typo optic I lost on odd rut. 429
Turd I put strap onto got no part, stupid rut! 429
Turdetani modiste’s rococo corsets — I dominated rut. 423
Turgid Dad: dig, rut! (1)
Turgid, I dig rut. 429
Turgid rafting up misery gyres, impugn it far, dig rut. 429
Turn [at tan/off on] rut. 385
Turn-I dump Martin Gardner, I rend rag, ‘n’ I tramp mud in rut.(11)
Turn, I pin rut. (85)
“Turn in oil,” a foeman asserts, “I stress a name of a lion in rut.” (260)
Turn iron I made in Ed’s drawer to hot rewards denied a minor in rut. (260)
Turn it in rut. (237)
Turn it off, O tin rut. (237)
Turn it up—‘it’ I put in rut. (237)
Turn, un-rut! (331)
Turn, woman, in a mown rut. (260)
Turned, I wanna widen rut. 144
Turning, I spot stop sign in rut. (358)
Turrets aid diaster rut. 144
Turrets of Castle Fate let a felt sac foster rut. (260)
UFO trails Bob, for a jar of Bob’s “liar tofu”. 394
Ukiah sees Haiku. (309)
Ukiah’s pot tops haiku! (199)
Ululate(,) beta[,] Lulu. [144], (528)
Ululate–net a lulu. (1)
Uma toted Al Slade to TAMU. (200)
Ungate me, Vic, I’ve met a gnu! (333)
“Ungate my cart” said I as Tracy met a gnu. (307)
Unglad, I tar a tidal gnu. (00-350)
Ungotten, put up net to gnu. (11)
Utter, “Et tu?” (85)
Val caved in so to snide Vaclav. 200
Val, sad Dad, add a Slav! (1)
Val said “Sid, is Di a Slav?” (260)
Val saw a Slav. (260)
Vanilla deified–all in A.V.! (98)
Vanna, wanna ‘V’? (145)
Verna can rev! 144
Verna (coed I video) can rev. 144
Vic, O.D. Doc–IV! 1
Vile Noah Clifton did not filch A-One, Liv. 144
Village kilt: can a man act like gal, Liv? 394
“Vitamin A man, I’m at IV!” 429
Vito has a hot IV. 144
Viva–let nine (to ten) in Tel Aviv! (23)
Viva, let no evil revel, ever–live on, Tel Aviv! (90)
Viva, “Let’s Tel Aviv!” (237)
Von, a moral Luddite, failed Delia: fetid, dull, a Romanov. 200
“Von, it’s Ustinov!” (188)
Vote to not slip up, refer pupils to note TOV. (00-350)
WA signage gang I saw. 200
Wad tram-art daw. (1)
Wade, daw. (85)
Waldemar framed law. 144
Wales Act–is it case law? 144
Walk cold ape to note padlock law. 144
“Wall a birth”–tribal law. (237)
Wallet omits STI: motel law. 429
Walleye yell, “Aw!” (144)
Wallow alive on no evil AWOL law. (98)
WalMart: is it ram law? (253)
Walnuts stun law. (237)
Walsh crept on, dumb on knob mud, not perch slaw. 429
Walsh tames a base math’s law. (260)
Walsh’s law[‘s/s evolved, won; now Dev loves] Walsh’s law. (356)
Walt can enact law. 144
Walt, some tart surfing is a sign I frustrate most law. (260)
Walter fret law. 144
Wan, I gas Saginaw. 144
Wanna buy Yuban…naw! (1)
Want: nerd (Ed, ‘da poop’), added rent… naw… 383
Wapiti for profit, I paw. (254)
War debate lot: to let Abe draw. (237)
“War dwarf, forever off, raw–draw!” 429
War: little castle pelts a Celt ’til raw. 423
War mode robs boredom raw. 144
War siege is raw. 144
War, sir, is raw. (207)
Warburg ate Zeta grub raw. (237)
Warburg deli very reviled: grub raw. 200
Ward, an “Israel” clears–in a draw! (77-1)
Ward, emit note, “Yes I, Wallace, call a wise (yet on-time) draw.” (1)
Ward nurses run, draw. (5)
Ward peed at a deep draw. (98)
Ward Romeo, pen one poem–or draw. (237)
Ward room Moor, draw! (200)
Ward ups final potato plan, if spud raw. 394
Warden, I free Seer fined raw. (237)
“Warden, I let a device be xenon/ruby-armed,” lots of UFOs told ’em, “ray-burn one xebec I’ve datelined raw”. (260)
Warden, I’m mined raw! 423
Warden Ruth turned raw! 144
Warden Ruth’s a Barbie doll I venally did as a sad idyll, an evil lode I bra-bash turned raw. (260)
Warden sees Ned raw. (144)
Warder, redraw! (16)
War-distended nets I draw. (5or10)
Warfare dames I arm-raise made RAF raw. 144
Warm innards, Dr. Ann — I‘m raw! 423
Warm raw pee, keep warm, raw. 429
Warming is a sign I’m raw. (237)
Warn a Pokemon gnome: “KO Pan raw!” 144
Warned I am, a foe of a foe of a maiden raw. 200
Warned, I am assuming I saw a sign Imus’s a maiden raw. 200
Warning: I sign in RAW! (237,144)
Warren is in…er, raw. (253)
War’s, Eves, raw! 439
Warsaw at artsy [, kooky] strata was raw. 200
Warsaw flag, Alf, was raw. (109)
Warsaw nun was raw. (00)
Warsaw, Pop, was raw! (1)
Warsaw was raw. (116,245,292–many)
Wart I baste gets a bit raw…144
Warts level straw. 473
Wary, Al did lay raw. 144
Wary alpine zen–I play raw! (109)
Wary Levar, be yet a cat-eye, bravely raw. 394
Was a Dada, Di, a look at a Kool Aid ad Ada saw? 200
Was a sad-eye, boob-milk limbo, obeyed as a saw? 408
Was a silo Lisa deified a silo Lisa saw? (260)
Was Alec an EMT menace LA saw200
Was an extra poem a cameo part Xena saw? (260)
Was an ode, Ed, on a saw? (83)
Was Ana Nym, my nana saw. 470, 481
Was “Analytical” a city Lana saw? (260)
Was Ann a veto vote Vanna saw? 394
Was Doge on a canoe God saw? 394
Was ‘E’ whose pre-herpes–oh!– we saw. (1)
Was I, Egan, not to peddle HP unit in upheld depot tonnage I saw? 200
“Was even I a pain?” Eve saw. 394
Was G.I. Jane, men, a jigsaw? (200)
Was I bald as an idle hobo held in a sad lab I saw? (260)
Was I, I saw! 1
Was I nail’d up, reviled under a red nude Liverpudlian I saw? (260)
Was I no one renowned, Eden won, ere noon I saw? 394
Was I sage Kyle Nolan on a lonely keg as I saw? (260)
Was I sleekening nine keels I saw? (260)
Was I smartening nine trams I saw? (260)
Was I stole macabre herb, a Camelot’s I saw. (1)
Was “Igor” Fred Nelson no slender frog I saw? 394
Was “I’m it”, as Tim I saw. 1
Was in a myriad a dairyman I saw. (00-350)
Was in a fast igniting; it’s a fan I saw. 425
Was in Eden I saw it: I was in Eden, I saw! 394
Was in Italy; Latin I saw. (372)
“Was Islam in an ode,” Kramer remarked, “on animals I saw?” 200
Was it a bar on a can or a bat I saw? (71)
Was it a bar or a bat I saw? (343)
Was it a bat I saw? 462
Was it a boffo bat I saw? 394
Was it a Bud run-in in Urdu, Bat, I saw? (200)
Was it a can [of fats, an oiled deli on a staff, o/of fins I sniff o/of fur-ruff o/on a man o]n a cat I saw? (71)
Was it a can on a cat I saw? (207)
Was it a car on a man or a cat I saw? (71)
Was it a car on a rim or [footstools–loots, too–/free beer] from Iran, or a cat I saw? (71)
Was it a car or a cat I saw? (10)
Was it a cat I saw? 497
Was it a crop-mad dessert tub (buttressed, damp) or cat I saw? (71)
Was it a foot, Sal, a wapiti paw (alas, too fat!) I saw? (11)
Was it a gar on a pan or a gat I saw? (71)
Was it a man I met in a morass, or can I tell it’s a pastille tin across a Roman item in a mat I saw? (260)
“Was it a pot atop a pot atop a “T” I saw? (381)
Was it a rare era rat I saw? (361)
Was it a Rastafarian on air a fat Sara Ti saw? (20-1)
Was it a [r/v]at I saw? (122)
Was it a tar on a van or a tat I saw? (71)
Was it, ah, what I saw? 144
Was it Ararat I saw? (254)
Was it as I sat I saw? (237)
Was it Eliot’s toilet I saw? (128)
Was it eyes or a rose yet I saw? 394
Was it [Lew’s welt/Ron’s snort/Roper’s report/suds or Eros’ dust] I saw? (71)
Was it Ned or a rodent I saw? 471
Was it odd, a sad dot I saw? 394
Was it open, one pot I saw? (237)
Was it ordered rot I saw?! 394
Was it rats – older rats – animals I slam in a starred lost art I saw? (260)
Was it Sal’s Reno boners last I saw? 394
Was it Sir W’s wrist I saw? (11)
Was it Sis nine men insist I saw? 394
Was it so ordered, now I wondered, roost I saw? 200
Was it Sumatra pop art (a must!) I saw? 200
Was it Tim’s mitt I saw? (330)
Was it, um, smut I saw? 97
Was raw niter fret in Warsaw? 144
Was raw tap ale not a reviver at one lap at Warsaw? (80)
Was Solana loss a W? 417
Wash Santa Claus’ unusual cat Nash saw. 200
Wash Sartre, liar, to net a hate no trailer trash saw. (260)
Wash saw! (00–many)
Wash self, flesh saw. (255)
Wash silo Pa; tap & pat a Polish saw. (71)
“Wash, sink a knish, saw!” 109
Wasp may swap paws, Yamp saw. 381
Wast met saw! 429
Waste not to net saw. (144)
Waste pan a pet saw. (307)
Waste pet saw! (161)
Waste victim must summit, civet saw. 429
Wasted, a cadet saw. (1, 144)
Wasted, a capo saw a sop a cadet saw. 260
Wasted, “ace” cap’s a sad loser I see, sires, old, as a space cadet saw. 200
Wasted ace caps salient career act, Neil, as space cadet saw. (260)
Wasted acts I, Neil, an alienist cadet, saw. (260)
Wasted acts in [a brutal fax a flat urbanist/a gap a paganist/a Tulsa slut’s eyes Tulsa’s lutanist/my hall a hymnist] cadet saw. (260)
Wasting is a sign I won, knowing is a sign it saw. (260)
Way to not spill latte: get tall lips to not yaw! (1)
We dare possess ‘opera dew’! 144
We dare vomit, Tim–over a Dew! 144
We decide I’ll use sullied ice dew. 425
We decided: ice dew. 429
We decided ore’s iron, or is eroded ice dew. (260)
We demo snot on some dew. 144
We deride dire dew. (260, 144, 429)
We desire cerise dew. 144
We display Alps I dew. 144
We do Dew. (many)
We do dew, we few, we do dew. 429
We do meta-bedlam in an animal debate, mode W! 1
We don’t fellate my lion, as an oily metal left no dew. (260)
“We don’t soldier away as it’s a foot too fast,” I say, aware I’d lost no dew. (260)
We draw fog-of-war dew. 144
We draw on a Man O’War dew. (200)
We dress, or get a hot dog seller and Narelle’s god to hate grosser dew. (260)
We drool ‘floor dew’. 144
We dye no honey, eye no honeydew. 394
We dye no honeydew. 71, 200
We dye no hymen, eye no money, enemy honeydew. 429
We fade to melodies I recall; a cerise idol emoted a few. (260)
We faded a few… 14
We faded, a moped I ride pomaded a few. 429
We faded away, Alamo troop, ere we were poor; to Malaya waded a few. (260)
We failed a stoner if we few fire not sad Eli a few. 394
We fall if I fill a few. 144
We fanatical ilk nip nine men; in pink lilac, I tan a few. (260)
We fat cats, um…must act (a few)! 394
We favor ova–few! 144
We faded, a moped I ride pomaded a few. 429
We fax a few. (144)
We feel Ara saw a Sara Lee few. 200
We felt it new: entitle few! 429
We felt items: teller apparel lets me title few. (260)
We felt rats startle few. 411
We felt, “Subdue feud, bustle few!” 144
We feral[, ladened, ruby burdened all,] are few. 200
We few erase cares, Al–laser aces are we few! (116)200
We fire, son, at no font: a no-serif — ew! 423
We flavor oval few. (144)
We foot GI boot too big, too few. (237)
We freed fine venison; no sin even if deer few. (64)
We fret new, enter few. 429
We fret sinister few. 144
We fret, we pee, so two ran in in a row to see pewter few. 429
We fret, we pewter few. (00)
We fret we pondered no pewter few. 517
We gab, “Poop bag–ew!” 144
We help Pacific Apple hew. (1)
We help Pitt tipple, hew. 200
We hide roots, too red, I hew. 429
We hiss, “I hew.” (144)
We jam radios, so I’d arm a Jew. (260)
“We jaw!” — a Jew. 485
We know a law on Kew. 144
We laud, apt, a nun at Padua, Lew. (254)
We legalise silage, Lew. (71)
We let a ripper perp preprep pirate Lew. (254)
We let Art surf to not frustrate Lew. (307)
We lost a fatso, Lew. (97)
We love Devo, Lew. 144
We luau, Lew. 144
We map spam,–ew! (154)
We may ale-delay a mew. 144
We may baby a mew. 144
We mew. (00–many)
“We miss, alone on a canoe, no lass,” I mew. 200
We misuse “Jesus”, I mew. 423
We motel cats boo obstacle to mew. 133
We nab a cab anew. 144
We nab mob bomb anew. 144
We naively allay Levi anew. (260)
We name Dom’s modem anew. 144
We name gem anew. 144
We name odd names, reverse ‘m and do ’em anew. (308)
We name opera, rare poem, anew. (11)
We name Tina’s asps as an item anew. 144
We nanas sing “Nix at Taxing Nissan Anew.” 200
We nap [and nap and nap…] anew. (144,[350])
We, Nat, aim at a Miata, new. (200)
We natural-lift sumos pull a wall up, so must fill a rut anew. (260)
We (Nazi bondage) did, egad, no biz anew. 200
We neon academia maimed a canoe, new. 429
We Nereids die, renew. 144
We nerd i.d.[s alas] did renew? (200)
We ‘New Age’ beg, “Awe…new!” (237)
We nosh so new. (144)
We pad a pew. 144
We pall if I fill a pew. 1
We pan [i/o]n a pew. 144
We pan ISIS in a pew. 144
We pan one pen on a pew. (144)
We panic, I’m so cosmic in a pew! (254)
We panic in a pew. (85)
We passed on an irate pagan as an agape tar in an Odessa pew. 200
We passed Odessa–pew! (71)
We passed on an idle Hebrew ewer beheld in an Odessa pew. 200
We passed on an irate pagan, a wee, van agape tar in an Odessa pew. 200
We passed on an Odessa pew. (254, 144)
We [pay a/pen one/ play, O Royal] pew. (237)
We pen, “One pew.” 144
We [peruse sure / pet a late / pet effete / plane penal / prep popper] pew. 144
We piled a deli pew. 144
We placed a decal pew. (00)
We plan mutual autumnal pew. 144
We plan my hymnal pew. 144
We plan races; use carnal pew. (260)
We plan racy, carnal pew. 144
We plate my rat in a snug unsanitary metal pew. (260)
We, Plato, tar a total pew. 77
We play or sit on Otis’ royal pew. (307)
We pondered, “is no core hero considered no pew?” 429
We pondered no pew. (71)
We post a fatso pew. 144
We prefer pew. 144
“We” prefer pizzazz; I prefer pew. (1)
We prettily litter pew. 144
We prod oral (uvular) odor–pew! (307)
We proffer ref for pew. 144
We revile liver—ew! 109
We salt Atlas—ew! 478
We saw Ewa sew. (144)
We saw Tenet was “ew”! 1
We say, “An ewe–nay, a sew!” (248)
We say, “Nat sees Tanya sew.” 144
We see bee sew. (254)
We see referee sew. 144
We seven, Eve, sew. (6)
We sew. (many)
We sew no melanin in a lemon we sew. (260)
We sign also a Tao slang I sew. 237
We sign in idyll, a royal piece I play, orally dining I sew. 429
We sing, “Is Ed a design I sew?” 144
We sod if I do sew. 144
We, solo, sew. 149
We stare til opssum eats egesta; emus so polite, rate “ew”! 423
We subordinately let an id rob us–ew! 507
Wear a bra, Barbara, ew! 423
We’d add loci to pentatonic abaci (not at nepotic old dad–ew!) (282)
We’d dump Milton’s fresh side-dish: serf, snot-limp mud, dew. (71)
Wed honor, evil, Doc Tim: reps permit cod liver on–oh!–dew.(1)
We’d lime [to note] mildew. (4,[144])
We’d limp, mad, on no damp mildew. (71)
Wed no Anna on dew! (1)
Wed not on dew! (110)
We[‘]d yen, O Honeydew! (4,[98])
Wedding: I sign Id dew. (237)
Welded, Donna is uneven, an inane Venusian,” nodded Lew. (71)
“Well, adios, Unisys!” sobs bossy, sinusoidal Lew. (71)
Well, Anais surmises I’m Russian, Al. — Lew. (200)
Well, are fleet eel feral, Lew? (254)
Well, are tall OCS duds collateral, Lew? (200)
We’ll assail alias (Sal), Lew. 200
Well, for one, Russia is sure no ROFL, Lew. 200
Well, Hasbro’s balls’ll absorb Sahl, Lew. 200
Well, I attack cattail, Lew. (71)
Well, I avail, Lew. (144)
We’ll ionise so he can ruffle elf furnace hoses in oil, Lew.(260)
Well, Iowa sees a seesaw oil, Lew. 200
Well, lad, nag, “Gee, no abortion–no, it rob a one, egg and all, Lew.” (1)
We’ll let Dad tell Lew. (16)
Well, let’s axe Texas–tell Lew. (71)
Well, let’s tell Lew. (97)
Well, let’s tip rats, no mists, dim, amidst Simon’s tar-pits–tell Lew. (71)
Well, Lombard was, I saw, drab moll, Lew. (200)
Well, Lord’s droll, Lew. 200
Well, Lorne won’t now enroll Lew. (307)
Well, Luciferian is a Sinai ref I cull, Lew. 200
Well, Lumina, can I mull Lew? (1)
We’ll run on a Qanon URL, Lew. 144
Well, Ward did drawl, Lew. (200)
We’ll wok owl, Lew! (144)
Welsh sir, in an ode reviled I delivered on an Irish slew. 200
Welsh slew. (85)
Welsh teeth slew. 144
Wendell E. yelled, “New!” 144
Wendel’s sled, new? 205
Went on fine mogul’s ‘Net to rev Australian snail art: suave rotten slug omen if not new. (260)
Went on Ned, “I am a madam, a maiden not new.” (71)
Wept on sin, I snot pew..! 144
Wes pisses, sips, pisses, sips…ew! 226
Wessexes exes sew. 429
Wet samurai poets at noon taste opia, rum, a stew. 507
Wet sand, as is, is a DNA stew. 144
Wet sap, raw, did warp a stew! 144
Wet sap uses up a stew. 144
Wet Sara has a tort at Ayr to try, at a trot, a Sahara stew. (254)
“Wet, sassy bananas, Em,” raps Nat, “Stan’s parmesan, an abyss, a stew …” (71)
Wet, smug yams may gum stew. (166)
Wet snack can stew. 144
“Wet snips age,” we gasp, “in stew.” 144
“Wet snot–” sob[bed Deb,/s Tim, “it’s] “Boston stew.” (71)
Wet, stony leer felt senses nestle freely, not stew. 429
Wet tuba put up a butt–ew! 418
Wetness sent ‘Ew!’ 144
Wet’s a sad ewe I viewed as a stew. 200
“Why, meta-dog god ate my HW!” 409
Wo, Nemo, toss a lasso to me now! (128, 482)
Woe made DA meow. 144
“Woe me[ws]!” we meow. 144
Woe, my BB attacks–I risk cat-tabby meow. (71)
Wolf, Deb; beer on-tap’s spat “No” re ebbed flow. (1)
Wolf drowned Logan in a golden word-flow. (260)
Wolf lauds dual flow. (98)
Wolf logic: I golf low. 429
Wolf naps emit time-span flow. 407
Wolf, note Teton flow. 200
Wolk–“Yams may flow!” 485
Wolfgang Amadeus sued a mag: nag flow! (260)
Wolf’s pal spots laminate wet animal, stops, laps flow. (167)
Wolf’s “Race me!” meme cars flow. 470
Wolf’s teets flow. (307)
Wolf’s tits flow. (98)
Woman, answer Drew’s “Nana, mow!” 144
Woman, I too fall afoot in a mow! 16
WJomen, I fret, fall ill after fine mow. 144
“Women I [d/f/p/w]ine, mow!” 144
Women I possess opine, “Mow?” 144
Won, I lob morts, pull odd doll up Stromboli now. (11)
Won Idaho, had I now? 465
Won kiosk, so I know. 429
Won maid I ask said, “I am now!” 144
Won no emu in a regatta (geranium eon now.) (254)
Won panda lass–salad nap now. (1)
“Won pure grub, Ma–hamburger up now!” (237)
Won race, so loth to lose car now. (10)
Wonder: Anne held–nah!–handle henna-red now. (1)
‘Wonder casserole’ lore’s sacred now. 429, 144
Wonder Castle felt sacred now. 144
Wonder dog’s God red now. (98)
Wonder erases order: non-red roses are red now. 413
Wonder, Fred, now! (161)
Wonder I toss in, is so tired now. 429
Wonder if Dad fired now? 1
Wonder if I made no yo-yo, Ned–am I fired now? (1)
Wonder if I’m (I!) fired now? 486-1
Wonder if Sis is fired now? 429
Wonder if snug BB guns fired now? (307)
Wonder if Sununu’s fired now? (81)
Wonder Mistress asserts I’m red now. (293)
“Wonder on!” GI ignored now. 465
Wonder reigniting, I erred now. 4, 429
Wonderbra gyms: is my garb red now? (260)
Wonderbra[war/’s tsar] bred now. (144)
Wonderbras save Vassar-bred now! (1)
Wondered Art,” In exotic illicit oxen I trade, Red, now?” 200
Wondered I, snockered, “I, Derek, considered now?” 200
Wonder-obsesser predicts albinism or female damsels in isles made lame from sin: I blast cider presses; bored now. (260)
Wonders in Italy: Latin is ‘Red’ now! (5)
Wonders timed I, O vast salt lasts: a void emits red now. 389
Wonderwomen are nuts in a Jimi/Janis tune: “Ran ’em (ow!), Red now.” 417
Wonk, cab sin is back now. 144
Wonk, cede Pat’s tape deck now. 200
Wonk centres nix a tax: insert neck now. (260)
Wonk did know. (337)
Wonk, I won—now I know. 466
“Wonk?” I wondered, “Now I know!” 144
Wonk lawyer: “Prey walk now!” 144
Wonk risks a memo: some masks irk, now. 394
Wonk Rodham evolution, “No, I tu love mah dork now.” (107)
Wonk–“Yams may know!” 485
Wonka elates if I set a leak now. 144
Wonking is a sign I know. (1, 144)
Wonks know. (1)
Wonky Amy may know! 144
Won’t a bar tab at a crap Morocco romp arc a tab at Rabat now? (260)
Won’t a canine pop open in a cat now? 423
Won’t a footstool age galoots too fat now? (307)
Won’t a pin aid Nina, Roy or an Indian I pat now? (260)
Won’t a pure elixir tame a glass algae matrix I leer up at now? (260)
Won’t Angela map up a male gnat now? 144
Won’t Ava level a vat now? (260)
Won’t cadet Sal ban a blasted act now? (260)
Won’t cappuccino ridicule lucid ironic cup pact now? 429
Won’t Caraway allay a war act, now? 394
Won’t caress elastic, it’s a lesser act now. 429
Won’t Carter retract now? (77)
Won’t Cate’s pure veneer act careen ever, upset act now? 423
Won’t “Cats”, a crap busk cash grab (argh!), sack subpar cast, act now? 423
Won’t ‘e bet now? (2)
Won’t Eb bet now? (2)
Won’t edible tomato dot a motel bidet now? 260
Won’t engage gag net now! 429
Won’t esteemed art I trade meet set now? 260
Won’t felony beg a rage by no left now? 394
Won’t fightable domes use model bath gift now? (260)
Won’t I barge in, Alan (i.e., grab it now)? 408
Won’t I be bit now? (97)
Won’t I [be bit/move vomit/remedy poopy demerit] now? 423
Won’t I be rare now, or grow one rare bit now? 260
Won’t I bedevil for a jar of live debit now? 394
Won’t I beg Dee: “Finks’ sarcasm lifting is a sign it films a crass knife-edge bit now?” (260)
Won’t I belt tile notes if I set one little bit now? (260)
“Won’t I burn acid?” I call, “It’s still acid…I can rub it now.” 260
Won’t I bury a seller of sex-affiliated detail if faxes for Elle say “Rub it now”? (260)
Won’t I decide medic edit now? (237)
Won’t I deem telepaths are not a name no one man at one rash tape let me edit now? (260)
Won’t I deliver epee deliveries or prose I revile: deeper evil edit now? (260)
Won’t I [f/h/p/s]it now? (many)
Won’t I, for patents I list, net a profit now? 423
Won’t I get a late git now? (260)
Won’t I have Eva hit now? (260)
Won’t I help massive Levis’ sample hit now? (260)
Won’t I hew some memos we hit now? (260)
Won’t I hit now? (144)
Won’t I, merely tsar of red Rumania, grab roses or bargain a murder for a style remit now? (260)
Won’t I move disaster frets aside, vomit now? 394
Won’t I move on a canoe vomit now? 144
Won’t I panic in a pit now? (97)
Won’t I pop it now?! (337)
Won’t I pull a bat up, if I put a ball up it, now? 394
Won’t I repaper it now? (many)
Won’t I tap a tit now? 144
“Won’t I taste genocide, master?” frets a medic, “one gets at it now.” (260)
Won’t I use jam if I’m a Jesuit now? 00
Won’t I Xerox a fax or exit now? (260)
Won’t I zap a zit now? 200
Won’t Ida, eh, head it now? 394
Won’t ire merit now? 144
Won’t last sighs also slash gist salt now? 429
Won’t local apparel like kilts – oh, ghostlike killer! – appal a colt now? (260)
Won’t love radiate, yet aid a revolt now? 394
Won’t lover (Romeo) pen an inane poem, or revolt now? 394
Won’t lovers revolt now? (10)
Won’t Lucy ads’ mood assess a doomsday cult now? (260)
Won’t Nat sideline, senile, distant now? 394
Won’t Neil assert nectar at a rat centre’s salient now?(260)
Won’t Neil call a Walla Walla client now? (307)
Won’t Neil lube Mai’s ass as I am ebullient now? (260)
Won’t Nemo (Mynah’s on) nosh any moment now? (307)
Won’t Nero rent now? (307)
Won’t net operators agree beer/gas/rot are potent now? (260)
Won’t Net-inept egrets in a canister get penitent now? (260)
Won’t Nia faint now? 408
Won’t one race we kill appal like we care not now? (260)
Won’t one spy, L.A. cop, assess Apocalypse Now, as I saw one spy, L.A. cop, assess Apocalypse Not Now? (260)
Won’t Paganini nag apt now! (11)
Won’t pews fill if swept now? (307)
Won’t Radio Nara prefer paranoid art now? (260)
Won’t Rafi fart now? (144)
Won’t rat saga start now? 394
Won’t rats start now? 144
“Won’t reverse[s/ sir, a live,” demanded a faded name, “devil arises,] revert now!” 268
Won’t Rob assess: “Abort, now!”? 394
Won’t Rose redial Ed at Adelaide resort now? 307
Won’t salt[S.A.L.T.] last now? (11,[00])
Won’t senators rot a nest now? (260)
“Won’t send a bad nest now?” (191)
Won’t serotonin K.C. ordered rock Nino to rest now? (260)
Won’t servile Liv rest, now? 394
Won’t Sis ‘n’ I insist now? (278)
Won’t, sis, nine mega STOP POT sage men insist now? 200
Won’t six enemy men exist now? (307)
Won’t society locate some demo-set acolyte I cost now? (260)
Won’t solar zenith gild a sad light in Ezra, lost now? 394
Won’t solid lots awe lame Fred if no confider female was told I lost now? (260)
Won’t solitary men enamor free beer from an enemy rat I lost now? (260)
Won’t some damsel in distress assert Sid Niles made most, now? 394
Won’t some dire dresser deride most now? (260)
Won’t some lucid ire we manage peg a name we ridicule most now? (260)
Won’t tame Manila ever reveal I name Matt now? (260)
Won’t ungulates’ pull upset a lug nut now? (260)
Won’t we nab a newt now? (260, 144)
Wonton stew, sir, is wet snot now. 423
Word is, I’d row. 144
Wordle meme (damn!) made me meld row. 144
Worf, ace decaf row! 470
Work a yak’s kayak row. 513
Work cash sack row. (144)
Work cats net ten stack row. 455
Work nads, so to toss dank row. 144
“Work raw lube, not one bulwark row.” 429
“Worm, row!” (85)
Worms I lob: mystic, illicit symbolism row! 507
Worn at an inn, a hoyden – Ruby – burned Yohann in a tan row. (260)
Worrel lets Sarah harass ‘teller row’. (1)
Worse gnu lunges row. 144
Worse if in game, he magnifies row. 42
Worse, ill Anais, Ana pondered no pan-Asian allies’ row. 200
Worse, Patriot abatoir tapes row! 144
Worse, Rihanna hires row! 144
Worsen one’s row? (85)
Worst idea edits row? 144
Worst Italians nail at its row. 429
Worst Intel Mac scam let nits row. (255)
Worst potluck cult opts row. 144
Woven of olive damask, code docks a mad evil of one vow. (260)
Wow, arse grass bur rubs Sarge’s raw — ow! 423
Wowing is a sign I wow! (237)
X a tragic cigar tax! 485
Xavier is a sire I vax. 144
Xenograft a Y: do breed deer body at far-gone X. (260)
Xerox a noted Eton ax, O Rex. (168)
Xerox on an ox, O Rex. (1)
Xerxes lived evil sex, Rex (1)
Xerxes–sex Rex! (110)
Xerxes taxes ex at sex, Rex. (200)
Xerxes was stunned–Eden nuts saw sex, Rex! (00)
Xi stays sassy at six. 144
Ya, Ben, one poker trek open on e-bay! (1)
Ya, cede, we decay! 144
Ya, Dad–ah!–had a day. (1)
Ya DO take pot (nice lad, Alec!) in Topeka today. (24)
Ya, Dot traded art today. (62)
Ya, gal one was I ere I saw Enola Gay. (252)
“Ya gonna draw ‘War Danno’ gay?” 144
Ya, kneel, locate feta, Colleen Kay. (1)
Ya, Leona Cabot in a Manitoba canoe lay. (23)
“Ya lost, so lay!” 144
Ya, Rob, Marc, I mimic, I mimic Rambo Ray. (62)
Ya, rotten Rose, sail all aliases o’r ‘Net to Ray. (1)
“Ya! Sign I’ll affix if falling,” I say. (372)
“Ya, sign is I sing!” I say. 1
Ya, signing is a signing, I say. (237)
Ya, Signor, war is, Sir, a wrong, I say. (1)
Ya, sing is a signal, slang is a sign, I say. (237)
Ya, wag a gag away! (1)
Ya, Walla Walla, call a wall away. (37)
Ya, was moor-devil Lil lived rooms away. (1)
Ya, was Ned rubs burdens away. (201-1)
Ya, water, ebb beret away. 429
Ya, waste green even if a fine veneer gets away. 429
Ya, we fast at Safeway. (237)
Ya, we mask lately, grab argyle, talk same way. 429
Ya, wet a gateway. (144)
Yacht notes radar set on th’ cay. (117)
Yado, ‘Tapioca’ tungsten nets gnu taco IPA today! 470
Yado, trip a tapir today. 481
Yah, burro, turn in rut or rub hay. (218)
Yahoo, we woo hay! 144
Yahweh, can a nana chew hay? (307)
Yahweh, [c]hew hay! (237,[77])
Yahweh clan I run in urinal chew hay. (260)
Yahweh cog, go chew hay! (237)
Yahweh did hew hay. (200)
Yak omits a fast “I’m okay!” 144
Yak on acid i can okay. 144
Yakima, am I Kay? (16)
Yaks say moths a lad dated act like non-actor’s rot: can one kilt cadet add a lash to my ass, Kay? (260)
Yaks send a snide note toned in sadness, Kay. (260)
Yale biker trek I belay. 144
Yale bipartisan, “As I trap, I belay.” 429
Yale democrats edit “Noon-tide Star”–come, delay. (10)
Yale does SEO delay. 144
Yale mate made dame tame lay. (109)
Yale ran (in) a relay. (11+/or96)
Yale, remit tasks a DJ’s J.D. asks at time relay. (1)
Yale Rep. did P.E. relay. (144)
Yaler Eli Bom won snowmobile relay. (245)
Yalie babe I lay. (144)
Y’all, astute tuts allay. 144
Yalp, “So can Irina cosplay?” 144
Yam I fix, if I may. (200)
Yamaha may fire her, if Yamaha may. (259)
Yams I do not poop (to no dismay!) (251)
Yams I do not pull up–to no dismay! (307)
Yams I’d nip in dismay. (85)
Yankee rots — a hostage begat so has to reek, nay? 423
Yankees seek, ‘nay’. (1)
Yap if I pay. 144
Yap, “Pay!” 1
Yap to node, “Do not pay!” (237)
Yard notified, a jade I fit on dray. (11)
Yaw a kayak away. (4)
Yaw a racecar away. 290
Yaw a raft far away. 144
Yaw at {“}news[: “Tots]went away.” 144
Yaw at newt if it went away. 144
Yaw at sacred nut under castaway. 200
Yaw dims midway. 144
Yaw–yell, “Alleyway!” (161)
Yawed insanities reverse it in a snide way. 260
Yawl, “I arm railway!” 144
Yawn a Jan way. (237)
Yawn “A” in a more Romanian way. 536
Yawn a more Roman way. (10)
Yawn as I trap as a partisan way. 144
Yawn if Lena, Nina, or Gina call: “Ella, can I groan in an elfin way?” (260)
Yawn, “O, cremate my metamer, Conway.” (103)
Yawn, red Omani shahs, in a modern way. (260)
Yawn, redo maniac ire-make ’em meek, America, in a modern way. 423
Yawn, redo man[ia/iac ire to seem a god, net Nintendo game esoterica ]in a modern way. (260)
Yawn, warden, as Nina did – an insane, drawn way. (260)
Yawn, woman, in a mown way. (260, 429)
Yawn won, in own way…144
Yaws in a craft on top spot; not far, Canis way. (11or148)
Ye, boil, I obey! (4)
Ye Boris, civic sir, obey. (237)
Ye boy, obey! (4)
Ye kayak Kaya Key. (237)
Ye, kid, rack card I key. (237)
Ye knit alone by array, be no Latin Key. (237)
Ye knit up, if I put in key. 237
Ye know elf flew on-key. 144
Ye know I won key. (237)
Ye know, in a man I won key. (237)
Ye, Knox Essene, pen Essex on key. (237)
Ye know if I won key. (237)
Ye, Mila Kunis is in UK–a limey! 144
Ye slew Welsey? (354)
Ye wedded or eroded, Dewey? 423
Yell, “a galley!” (4)
Yell “A gang! Is Ed Otto hot to design a galley?” (71)
Yell a he-man’s name: “Halley!” (71)
Yell, “A homemade mango dog named a memo ‘Halley’!” 417
Yell: “A moron I lap harasses Sarah Palin or O’Malley!” (260)
Yell a name, Lem, an alley! (1)
Yell “A van – I see beer, free bees in a valley!” (71)
Yell a ‘V’ Oro Valley! (88)
Yell “a very good god!” to hot dog-doo gyre valley. 429
Yell a vote to valley. (148)
Yell, “Aha!” Halley. (71)
Yell, “Alley!” (4,97)
Yell, Amos O’Malley. (309)
Yell an ‘amen’ in Nine Man Alley. (260)
Yell, “An animal, Sir, I slam in an alley!” (71)
Yell, “An animal-car, or a clam in an alley!” (71)
Yell, Ava, “Nita[‘s pup] sat in a valley!” (71)
Yell, “Ava, pan[s/t at] Napa Valley!” (144)
Yell, eh Shelley? (83)
Yell or ta[p/ste greens as a sneer gets] a trolley. (260)
Yell, or take (eek!) a trolley. 429
Yell, “Or trolley?” (161)
Yell over, “Aware volley!” 429
Yell over if I fire volley. 423
Yell, “Over!” Seles, re volley. (106)
Yell up a path, tap a pulley. 429
Yell up a stair, “a lariat’s a pulley!” 429
Yell, “Up pulley!” (307)
Yell upon no pulley. (307)
Yell upset a cider: predicates pulley. (6)
Yell upset a mate’s pulley. 144
Yell, “Upward, draw pulley!” (71)
“Yell upward!” I say, as I draw pulley! (71)
Yen more to vote Romney. 144
Yep, a root’s too rape-y. 144
Yep, mop, Pompey! (200)
“Yer Duane ‘n’ Audrey?” (97)
Yes, a cedar testimonial lives on as a nose-villain omits e-trade, Casey. (260)
Yes, able Bernard ran rebel base ‘Y’. (107)
Yes, acne pop open, Casey. 423
“Yes, I am Foreman–namer of Maisey.” (260)
Yes, I am too moot, Maisey. 144
Yes, Ian, no yam’s mayonnaisey. 144
Yes, Mark, cable to hotel, “Back Ramsey!” (10)
Yes, Mary’s tapes are in; I erase Patsy Ramsey. (307)
Yes, O Ross, Em (or ‘D’) ‘n’ I lap up (PU!) palindromes so rosey. (1)
Yes, ocelots stole cosey. 144
Yes or no: is session rosey? 417
Yes, rejoice CIO-Jersey. (278)
Yes, Syd OD’d on anises in an odd odyssey. 507
“Yes sir, Rome is!” ordered Rosie Morrissey. (245)
Yes sir, Rome tips Ed despite Morrissey. (260)
Yes sir, romp up Morrissey! 144
Yes, Syd, onanism’s in an odyssey. (260)
Yes, Sy, do not relay my alert on Odyssey. 200
Yes, Syd, Owen saved Eva’s new Odyssey. (10or16)
Yes, Sydow ended new odyssey. 144
Yes, truckle, Nate: let an elk curtsey. (260)Y’know, sin is wonky. 144
“Yo, B.S.!” went newsboy. (200)
Yo, bad anaconda had no Canada boy. (205)
“Yo, banana babe–O mama, I am amoeba banana boy!” (216)
Yo, bang a salami–I’m a lasagna boy! (203)
“Yo–” bare poet asserts, “stress ate opera, boy!” (109)
Yo, base tart, surfeit tittie frustrates a boy. 423
Yo, baseborn Amy peels as a sleepy man robes a boy. (307)
Yo, based on a lie, Neil, a node’s a boy. 144
Yo, Basil is a boy! (00)
Yo’ begat love voltage, boy! (1)
Yo, Bela, Yeti’s opposite Yale boy. 200
Yo, Ben–a sad elf led a sane boy. (327)
Yo, bet on a note, boy! (145)
Yo, Bette, Zagnuts did stun gazette boy. (200)
Yo, bless even Olaf, a lone vessel boy! 415
Yo, Bob, eat gnu O you O young tae-bo boy! (1)
Yo Bob, mug a gumbo boy! (116)
Yo, Bosnia, truce — I’d Slav ire, rivals die, curtains, O boy! 423
Yo, bottoms up, U.S. motto boy! 532
Yo boys or else I’d a lost item admirer: I’m Dame Tits O’ Ladies le Rosy O’ Boy. 411
Yo, brat law ended new altar boy. 425
Yo, brat, lay my altar boy! 144
Yo, Bret, slug Ulster boy! (200)
Yo bro, feel glee for boy! 429
Yo, bro, free beer for boy! (109, 144)
Yo, by pool, a musk conk knocks Uma loopy, boy! (1)
Yo, Ceda, get a coyote toy, O cat–e.g. a decoy! (1)
Yo, cede not one decoy. 144
Yo Cooter, ask Ralf if larks are too coy. 429
“Yo,” Greenspan snaps, “Ne’er, goy!” 200
Yo, Jo had Idaho joy. 411
Yo, Jones, I wager geese see Greg a wise “no joy”. 394
Yo, mind no panic in a pond, Nimoy! 144
“Yo, relatives sass Evita, Leroy.” 144
Yo, relocate taco, Leroy. 144
Yo, rely not on no Tony, Leroy. 200
Yo, rely on Nan or Rono, son, or Ron–annoy Leroy. 200
Yo–tap a toy! (144)
Yo, trade cedar toy. 144
Yob at Tamar raps Parramatta boy. (200)
Yodel, “Fir tree seer trifled–oy!” (1)
Yodel if Hanah filed “Oy.” (255)
Yodel, “Luck culled…oy!” (1)
Yoga pants ebb best Napa goy. 144
Yon nana can annoy. (144)
Yon NASDAQ ads annoy. 144
Yore civet ate Viceroy! 144
“You ball up to no duo, yet at six I left Felix–” I state, “You do not pull a buoy.” (260)
You ban it in a buoy? 429
You ban Olive’s evil on a buoy. (260)
You ban on, even on a buoy! (243)
You bar our uglies, banana man: an abseil guru or a buoy. (260)
You bet: a piss, I dissipate buoy! 429
You bet at State buoy. 515
You bet–I sure can omit Tim on a cerusite buoy! (11)
You bet I’m any dynamite buoy! (260)
“You blondes used ‘n ol’ buoy?!” (1)
You Brits, stir buoy. (237)
Young Ada had a gnu–oy! (70)
Young Sten nets gnu–oy! 109
Yugo rue[d a bad/s] Euro-guy. 144
Yugo to go to Guy. (200)
Zap all La Paz! (1)
Zap otter germs in a gross arc; a wastrel, alert, saw a crass organism regret topaz. (260)
Zap Otto, not Topaz! 144
Zen unmasks a mask, Sam Nunez. 144
Zenith girls asks, “Alright, Inez?” 144
Zenith guards draught Inez. 144
Zero Monday as I say, “Ad–no more ‘Z’” (1)
Zeus: “Nile macaroni, Ma, is a nitrate-tart in Asia Minor, a camel in Suez.” (71)
Zeus nipped J. Depp in Suez. (24)
Zeus saw ’twas Suez! (327)
Zeus sees Suez. (52)
Zeus was deified, saw Suez. (16)
Zillow asks: “AWOL, Liz?” 394
Zodiac, Aid Oz. (200)
Zodiac is a basic aid, Oz. 429
Zoe, dam level made Oz. (237)
Zombies oppose IBM, Oz. 144
Zombies use IBM, Oz! 200
Zones sell, lessen Oz. (1)
“Zoning” is a sign in Oz. 144
Zoo to tote Toto to Oz. (00-350)
Zoot suit Angie robs bore Ignatius to Oz. (260)
Zorro puts on no stupor, Roz. (260)