“Na man, I’m a Jedi sidejam in a man!” 436

Nab a red, nude man named under a ban. (98)

Nab a stiff, it’s a ban. (278)

“Nab illicit song–” Aida signals, “slang is a diagnostic ill I ban!” (5-1)

Nab Levar–travel ban! 408

Nab oozy rat in a sanitary zoo–ban! (97-1)

Nab Rover if I fire V. Orban! 144

Nab rude liar Tim I trailed, Urban. (200)

Nab rum, Urban. (200)

Nab rural grub as I told a bad lot … is a burglar urban? (260)

Nab Ruth’s Irish turban. 144

Naber, vegan, did nag Ev re ban. (200)

Nabisco docs I ban. 144

“Nacirema was…aw, American!” (179)

Nadia’s Essene killed Omaha model likenesses, Aidan. (260)

Nae, medieval slave I demean. 144

Nae, Mott, revert to mean. 200

Nag a pagan. (many)

Nag a pal, lull a pagan. 144

Nag a petite pagan. (200)

Nag a placid Arab, or rob a radical pagan? 230

Nag a postpartum smut, rapt–so pagan! 144

Nag a pyre vessel, bless every pagan. 144

Nag ape to vote pagan. 144

Nag Egan. (85)

Nag, eh, Omar, a Mohegan. (200)

Nag evaded, I (reddened) derided a vegan. 394

“Nag, even I am organic,” I nag romaine vegan. 423

Nag, go bother, eh: Toboggan! 408

Nag ill Uma, Rev, over a mulligan. (200)

Nag not a Tongan. (355)

Nag old Logan. (161)

Nag on a koala, Okanogan. (88)

Nag Romeo, Joe Morgan. 77

Nag Rose’s organ! (144)

Nah, protege, get orphan! 429

Nail a minaret, sister–animalian! 429

Nail a Moslem a camel, Somalian. (88)

Nail a Moslem act so laden ruts turned a lost camel Somalian. (260)

Nail a tided Italian. 144

Nail a timid Al Gore–has a hero (glad I’m Italian!) (300)

Nail a tin in Italian. (309)

Nail a tin Italian. (83)

Nail a tired rotini in it, order Italian! (249)

Nail Amos, O Somalian! (88)

Nail Ian! (85)

Nail it, per a Reptilian. 483

Nail it, pert reptilian! (85)

Nail light, or froth, Gillian. (237)

Nail Li’l Lillian. (309)

Nail Lillian! (85)

Nail, O tan Anatolian! (88)

Nail-like, Tom smote Killian. 144

NAIS surmises I’m Russian. 144

Naive foe–water cesspit tips secret awe of Evian. (64)

Naïve pals lap Evian. (307)

Naive pals lap lager–regal pals lap Evian. (325)

Naïve plug is “I gulp Evian!” (307)

Naive was I ere I saw Evian. (97)

Naivete got smart: trams to get Evian. (88)

Nam Dr. of Nat’s, Asa, was a Stanford man. (200)

Nam elf Ira’s a rifleman. 200

Nam elites use tile, man. (200)

Nam gab: Asa was a bagman. (200)

Nam lore elders’ tell lets Red leer, ol’ man. (1)

Nam M.I.A.s: “Aw, raw war was aim, man!” (64)

Nam opera nutso Trevor got to Grover to stun a repo man. 200

Nam, order a red Roman! (237)

Nam regrets no monster German. (1)

Nam stops Ko Tao by boat, OKs pots, man! (369)

Nam, uh, bustle felt sub-human. 1

Nam war era sagas are raw, man. 507

Nam was a saw man. (116)

“Namaste!” bets a man. 144

“Namaste, spud!” upsets a man. 144 

Namath guards draught a man. 144

Name baby “my babe,” man. (237)

Name cane pen, Ace Man! (237)

Name capstone, not spaceman! 144

Name career-free race, man! (237)

“Name cite, bet, Iceman!” (237)

Name Duran a rude man. (200)

Name gas usage, man. 144

Name hag a he-man. 144

Name He-man. 429

Name I (Major-General Clare) negro Jamie Man. (10)

Name is Orton, not Rosie, man! (00)

Name life raft fare file, man. (237)

Name lit a love (pagan agape), volatile man! 429

Name made Dunbar Arab nude dame man. (237)

Name man. (many)

Name me ‘man’.//Name me, man./! (88, 414)

Name me “Meme Man!” (459,,144)

Name Mini-Me “man”. 144

Name mongrel-like killer gnome, man! 429

Name no Deborah a robed one, man. (98)

Name no lad o’ God a lone man. (237)

Name no one ‘Man’./Name no one, man!/Name no one man. (00-many)

Name none ‘man’. (00-350)

Name not one man. 144

Name not so, [O] stone man! (5,[11])

Name now one man. (112)

Name of a foeman? (5)

Name Pan an apeman. 144

Name “Rome” not on Tiber if a fire bit not one more man. (23)

“Name taboo, Bateman!” (161)

Name tag: asinine Lenin is a gate man. 429

Name tag, gate man. (6)

Name Tagliatelle tail gate man. 429

Name to vote, man. (148)

Name us Sue, man. (237)

Name visa vessels, less evasive man! (260)

Name we man? (1)

Named, I slay old Ed, loyal sideman. (71)

Named, I snip as I sap inside man. 144

Named inspiring, I arraign, I rip snide man. 200

“Named is Nina,” said I, “as an inside man.” 408

Name’s Abel, a male base man. (11)

Names reverse man. (255)

Names use Man. (237)

Nametag’s “Gateman.” (98)

Nam’s DNA bandsman. 200

Nam-tier navies oppose Ivan Reitman. 144

Namu ha(s/d) a human. (88, 429)

Namu, help misfit (if simple human!) (237)

“Naomi, Amalia, ladyfy Dalai Lama!” I moan. 507

“Naomi, cite Operas Are Poetic,” I moan. (170-1)

Naomi, did I moan? (10)

Naomi, fine-tune menu ten if I moan. 144

Naomi, finish sin if I moan. (98)

“Naomi,” I moan. (116)

“Naomi, live not on evil, live not on evil,” I moan. 292

Naomi, moan! (85)

“Naomi, no,no…, on, on,…” I moan. 292

“Naomi, no smash Samson!” I moan. (77-1)

“Naomi, sex at noon taxes!” I moan. (127)

“Naomi, six is!” I moan. (1)

Naomi, stark rabid, I bark “Rats!” I moan. (5)

Naomi told Lot, “I moan.” (174)

“Naomi Wolf did flow!” I moan. 144

“Naomi’s parrot (a timid imitator) raps,” I moan. (372)

Nap, as a Pan! (1)

Nap, Mason, now on no sampan. (200)

Nap, Pan. (146)

Napa nixes sex in a pan. 144

Narrow [ass(es) saw/elf flew/er germ regrew/Elsa slew] or ran. 144

Nary a bay ran! (1,200)

Nary a gay ran. (307)

Nary a jay ran! (85)

Nat asks: “A man, a mask…Satan?” 394

Nat asks Irina, “Can I risk Satan?” 394

Nat, assess a tan! (1)

Nat assumes Radar’s emu’s Satan. (200)

Nat, I , Pa, Cleo to go to El Capitan. (200)

Nat, I ram a Samaritan. (88)

Nat, it was in a horror, UFO furor, Rohani saw titan. 200

Nat, it’s Titan. (200)

Nat raps [as] a Spartan. (200)

Nat saw lee Kalakala keel was tan. (307)

Nat, so to get Ulf a flute, go to Stan. 200

Nat, sun-glow AWOL gnus tan. 394

Natalia was awail–a tan! (21)

Natalie, veil a tan. 372

Natasha, is Isiah Satan? (255)

Nate bit a Tibetan. (many)

Nate, bit, was in Amman I saw, Tibetan. 200

Nate, bottle felt to be tan. (336)

Nat’s den nabbed a deb, banned Stan. (226)

“Nat’s lapses suck cock!” cusses pal Stan. (71)

Nat’s stepsis pets Stan? 394

Navigator sees rot: a G.I. van! (1)

Navigators rot a G.I. van. (260)

Navy, bless every pyre vessel by van. 429

Navy bursts ruby van. 144

Navy men emulate spur, upset alum enemy van. 429

Navy men I fed [did] define my van. (144)

Navy ROTC ‘erases’ a rectory van! 144

Navy reviled animals I slam in a delivery van. (307)

Navy sub’s busy, Van. (1)

Naw, I ate Taiwan. (309)

Naw, I’m a drowsy man-I gave not one vagina my sword (am I wan!) (105)

Naw, order M&M–M&M red, Rowan. 1

“Naw!” ordered Rowan. 144

Nay, Al–am I Himalayan?” (71)

Nay, cognac can go cyan. (277)

Nay, nab a rotund nut or a banyan. 144

Nay, Rene, ridicule not one lucid Irene Ryan. 200

NE, MO, WY, MD etc, elected my women. 417

Neb Rednom, aid a diamonder–Ben. (237)

Ned – “A narc ran, Aden?” 485

Ned, add a den! 485

Ned–an iris was it I saw, Sir, in a den? (71)

Ned – “An owl won, Aden!” 485

Ned, Anita had a hat in a den. (71)

Ned, ay, asinine Daniel did idle in a den–in, I say, a den. (11)

Ned, dames use Madden? 200

Ned Damon was, I saw, no Madden. 200

Ned, derided I redden. (255)

Ned, dirt bed eras are debt ridden. 144

Ned dusted a cadet sudden! (254)

Ned, Edessa passed Eden. (237)

Ned, Elias, steel fleets sail Eden. (254)

Ned enisled no rondels in Eden. 144

Ned, ere help met, Anita sat in a temple, her Eden. 200

Ned, go gag Ogden. (6, 485)

Ned, go to hot Ogden. (23+/or44)

Ned got a saw, despite tips Ed was at Ogden. 484

Ned got at Ogden. (88)

Ned got a (b/c/h/m/p/r/v)at, Ogden. (88)

Ned got Eb bigoted, a maid and Nadia made to gibbet Ogden. 254

Ned got Ogden. 144

Ned got pewter, Ruth, Sabines sell, Lew’s pools loop, swell, lessen, I bash turret!” wept Ogden. 254

Ned, I, a man, had a GM, a dam, “Azzam” Adam Gadahn, a maiden. 255

Ned, I am a liar, frail, a maiden. (4)

Ned, I am a Loyola maiden. (71)

Ned, I am a maiden. (91)

Ned, I am Deborah, a robed maiden. (307)

Ned, I am deified, as a duo let a nose resonate loud as a deified maiden. (260)

Ned, I am (DNA) hot to handmaiden. (200)

Ned, I am no rigid imam, I dig Iron Maiden! 389

Ned, I am not so bad a Boston maiden. (307)

Ned, I am now a won maiden! (1889)

Ned, I amass a maiden. 144

Ned, I at last salt Aiden. 144

“Ned, I bet Abe don’t never prevent no debate”–Biden. 394

Ned, I bet ovine may as I say, “Amen, I vote Biden!” 423

“Ned, I bet ten I bore O.J.!” delivers reviled Joe Robinette Biden. 260

Ned, I brokered Derek or Biden. 144

Ned, I remoted in snide to Meriden. 144

Ned Log saw my grammar gym was golden! 468

Ned, loge rasps are golden. 144

Ned logs a racecar as ‘golden’. 144

Ned logs Ann as golden. 144

Ned logs in: “Aegean is golden!” 394

Ned logs in, [as user-aware Susan/or Ron] is golden. 144

Ned, rag Laci, NATO bat, at a botanical garden. 200

Ned, rag on, “Storm rots no garden!” (1)

Ned, ragamuffins did sniff Uma garden. (200)

Ned raged, undid buttons, did snot tub, did nude garden. 501

Ned rages, “Ohio’s buns I snub–so I hose garden!” (71)

Ned rages, “Order a forewoman, a mower of a red rose garden!” (260)

Ned raging is a sign I garden. (200)

Ned, repaper den. (200)

Ned robbed deb Borden. 200

Ned robs burrow or rubs Borden. (254)

Ned, Rubio pondered no poi burden. 200

Ned rubs at sista’s burden. 144

Ned, rude Lena paneled Ur den. (200)

Ned sat in Anita’s den.(97)

Ned, Slade repapered Al’s den. (110)

Ned’s to panic, in a task Satanic, in a pot’s den! 394-1

Nedra, Greta, wade tardy here, be rehydrated — a water garden. 423

Nedra, we gag Ned, nab Ahab, and engage Warden. (71)

Ned’s less urbane poses open a Brussels den. (260)

Need reb, Aberdeen? 144

Need rebates to not set Aberdeen! 144

Ne’er grab a bar green! 144

“Ne-er odd lots,” Iris told Doreen. 200

“Nehru,” a son, “I’d pull up dinosaur hen.” 1

Neil, a NASA patisserie heiress I tap as an alien. 200

Neil A., NASA’s pet, steps as an alien. (308)

Neil A. sees alien! (211)

Neil, ASMR at luck cult arms alien! 394

Neil, aloof, fool alien. (201)

Neil am I, Jesse Jim, alien? 394

Neil, an Asian [aide, Diana/(no damn Madonna!)], is an alien. (71)

Neil Ana saw as an alien. (200)

Neil, Ana’s an alien. 200

Neil, as I said, Dias is alien. (71)

Neil–Asia is alien. (71)

Neil asserts I’d distress alien. 394

Neil, assess a lien. 144

Neil ate Ma, met alien. 144

Neil ate Paton’s snot: a pet alien! 254

Neila put Xenomorph promo: “Next Up —Alien!” 423

Nel won an Amana now, Len. (278)

Nell, a fairy’s nine dragons (Sim’s ideal, Nina) can in Lae dismiss no garden in Syria fallen. (254)

Nell, a midden made Boston stew nine men in wet snot, so be damned, dim Allen! (71)

Nell, adapt no devil alive, don’t pad Allen. (254)

Nell, afar, bet I cite bra-fallen. 144

Nell: “Ahem–uh–gross sorghum, eh, Allen?” (71)

Neil allies oppose ill alien. 144

Nell, an ox I, Nadia, lost–a fatso–laid a nix on Allen. (254)

“Nell?” asks Allen. (144)

Nell asleep may poop yam peels, Allen. (307)

Nell, asleep, snaps tops, yanks Ed’s desk–nay, spots pans, peels Allen. (71)

“Nell ate lemon omelet.” Allen. (71)

Nell ate my DNA so Sandy met Allen. (307)

Nell AWOL, shall aloof Neil, an alien, fool Allah, slow Allen? (254)

Nell, eye-boiled Eli, obey Ellen! (254)

Nell, eyes oppose Yellen. 144

Nell opts I [l/m]ist pollen. 144

Nell opts rife, first pollen. 144

Nell, use bots to be sullen. 144

Nella, banish Tom’s moths; I nab Allen. (71)

Nella, Cain, a man in spasms, a groaning Nita, torrid Ananias, Isa, in a nadir rotating Nina; orgasm saps Nina, maniacal Len. (254)

Nella, demand a lad named Allen! (5)

Nella, fewer are we–fallen! 394

“Nella, gnaw tacit tall imps,” I lisp, “mill Attica, twang Allen!” (254)

Nella mixes sex–I’m Allen. (201)

Nella notes, “Burt relaxes sex alert; rubs Eton, Allen.” (71)

Nella notes Mary’s sassy ram, set on Allen. (71)

“Nella pals a dastard,” Nadia said, “and rats, Ada, slap Allen.” (254)

Nella, pule, we jam a jewel up Allen! (254)

Nella risks all: “I will ask Sir Allen.” (16)

Nella, robo-bees see Bob or Allen. 394

Nella rode Ted or Allen. (254)

Nella saw ‘Evil Clive’ was Allen! 394

Nella sees, sir, bed debris; sees Allen. (71)

Nella, so Red, a madam on a nomad; a mad Eros, Allen. (254)

Nella stops, tense–notes net, tense–tones net, spots Allen. (71)

Nella won’t set a test now, Allen. (5)

“Nella’s bosom, signor–it’s a cast-iron gismo!” sobs Allen. (71)

Nella’s simple hymn: “I attain my help, Miss Allen.” (5or10)

Nematodes use Dot … amen! (260)

Nemeses test tsetse semen. (307)

Nemeses use semen. (260)

Nemesis, it is I, Semen! 459

“Nemo, gardenia mood-god nips,” I lisp, “in dog doo, Maine dragomen.” (254)

Nemo live, Sis, is evil omen. 500

Nemo lived as a devil omen. 200

Nemo, never even omen! (376-1)

Nemo, note to melodic idol, “Emote to no men!” 144

Nemo, Thai rap star brat’s pariah to men. 200

Nemo, walnuts stun L.A. women. (1)

Nemo, we bat an eye, not one yen, at Abe women. 200

Nemo: “We can embrace not one carb menace, women!” 20

Nemo, we divide women. (71)

Nemo, we dun nude women. (307)

Nemo: “We kill like women.” 144

Nemo, we lay Yale women. (307)

“Nemo, we love to vote!”—Vole Women. (255)

Nemo, we love vole women. (255)

Nemo, we morons sass no Rome women. 200

Nemo, we nab rude IRA lass’ salaried urbane women. 200

“Nemo, we nab rude Russ,” assured urbane women. (200)

Nemo, we pacified seven Eves, deific ape women. 200

Nemo, we remain a mere mass, a mere mania: mere women. 00

Nemo, we revere Revere women. 200

Nemo, we revere women. (10)

Nemo, we rise, desire women. (144)

Nemo wed underbred nude women. (307)

Nemo won no women. 144

Nemo wondered, “No women?” 200

Nemo wrote, “You dare not toner a duo yet … or women”. (260)

Nemo’s dog’s poop’s God’s omen. 394

Nepal lifers refill a pen. (21)

Nepo babe Keta ate kebab open. 144

Nepotism: a red-uddered dude rams it open. (260)

Nepotism also slams it open. 423

Nepotist, I feel glee fits it open. 429

Nepotist: “Nod if I don’t sit open.” 144

Nepotist now won’t sit open. 144

Neptune nips Hannah’s pine-nut pen. (260)

Nerd [egged/eyed] Ren. 144

Neri says, “So bossy a siren!” 144

Net aerial: by not signing up mistier ire it’s impugning, is Tony Blair eaten? (260)

Net foe often. (many)

Net foes [abase/oppose] often. 144

Net foiled an item I met in a deli often. 144

Net folios I soil often. 429

Net fools Oslo often. 144

Net forever, often! (161)

Net fox often. 144

Net foxes, to get a date, got sex often. (260)

Net GI ‘big ten’. 237

Net no pets in a canoe, Leona – can I step on ten? 71

Net Semite, I vomit at iMovie, times ten. 200

Net ten. (146, many?)

Net Tim a mitten. (4)

Net: “Tim spins, rapt at parsnip, smitten.” 200

“Net Time” lines a senile mitten. (237)

‘Net timelapses pale mitten. 429

Net Tim’s self: fuchsia-ish cuffless mitten. 429

Net tore: rotten. (98)

Nets a hero bared nullify a mix I may fill under a bore … hasten! (260)

Nets afire, monomania truc[es abate; so to set a base/ks a maddened damask] curtain, a monomer I fasten. (260)

Nets aft now won’t fasten! (11)

Nets, after fret, fasten. (144)

Nets I lose can [nip a pin/ruffle symbols amid a sad “I’m-a-slob-myself” fur]nace, so listen! (260)

Nets I lost, so listen! (260)

Nets I omit can add an act I moisten. (260)

Nets I omit I moisten. (254, 144)

Nets, Ilga, glisten, 71

Nets irk Kristen. 144

Net’s Les made nine damsels ten. 200

Nets rot, Torsten. (260)

Nettle felt ten. (237)

“Network, Row Ten!” (161)

Networks [all] ask row ten. (88)

Network’s at task–row ten. (1)

Neve let Amy go to gym at eleven. 144

Neve let ape rep at eleven. 144

Neve, let’s ape [no one] past eleven. (144)

Neve stalled a Dell at seven. 144

Neve stays sassy at seven. 144

“Never a foot too far–even.” (10)

Never a loss, it is solar even. 429

Never atone, damsel, as sales made no tar even. (260)

“Never odd or even…” (6)

Neve’s taxi stalwarts trawl at six, at seven. 200

New geese see Gwen. (144)

New gems, subtle fine dews ( nine, ten?) in Sweden I felt buss me, Gwen. 200

New goats sass Tao, Gwen. 144

New Gretna cedes a vase (decanter), Gwen. (88)

New Lodi dross: “Sikhs I flash, Sal, fish–kiss sordid Olwen! 254

New loose robes–oh, those!–bore so Olwen. (11)

New lower cadets row, nine men in worsted, a crew, Olwen! (11)

New, off on a ride Rihanna hired, I ran off Owen. 200

New Slav Ira is sure of a foe, Russia rival Swen. 200

New soda rep’s Ed, a desperado, Swen. (200)

New-era style tome remits us nectar at census time remotely, Tsar Ewen. (260)

News: Wassail had roses, irises, or dahlias, saw Swen. 200

Nia gasps [at asps] again! 144

Nia, grab[s sad-ass/ a] bargain. 144

Nia pondered, “No pain?” 144

Nia, Vera’s tots are vain. (372)

Niagara, ban a bar again. (260)

Niagara–bar a gain! (1)

Niagara, bar again. (4)

Niagara: can I dip a rapid in a car again? (260)

Niagara: can it lodge Ken in a kayak; a nine-keg dolt in a car again? (260)

Niagara, eh–I hear again! (73)

Niagara ensign Eng is near again. (144)

Niagara, fall — afar, again. (109,429)

Niagara, O roar again! (10)

Niagara ordered, “Roar again!” 144

“Nib!” ordered Robin. 144

Nigel ate, got to get a leg in. 459

Nigel, Pamela passed on an Odessa pale maple gin. 394

“Niger diva avid re gin!” (40)

Nigh sin, I finish gin. (200)

Nigh, sir, if on a caper, prep a can of Irish gin. 200

Night abstract, carts bath gin. 109

Night fifing is a sign: I, fifth gin. 200

Nijima music is umami, Jin. 423

Nik, [do ban a bod/pan a nap]kin. (260)

Nil, a vowel, flew Oval in. (290)

Nil, Bud, was I ere I saw Dublin! (149)

Nil led Em Ott to Medellin. (200)

Nil, remote villa’s all I veto, Merlin. 200

Nina, elk lean in! 144

Nina, Ma did a man in! 394

Nina may baby a man in. 144

Nina, rebel pleb, ran in. 144

Nina Ricci ran in. (85)

Nine Lees see Lenin. 394

Nine lots sass to Lenin. 144

Nine men in Nam do spot a top sod man nine men in. 200

Nine mods do men in! 394

Nine mower ombudswomen a Dane mows dub more women in. (260)

“Nine piece,” I pen in. 429

Nine vignettes pull upset–ten given in! 429

Nine vows I live for at Lana’s, as an altar of evil is woven in. (260)

Nino tore snoods: revivers DO, on serotonin. (00)

Nino’s cut did Tucson in! (88)

Nino’s nurse [mocks Ed’s desk, comes/pats Eva, saves tapes,] runs on in. (71)

Nino’s nurse’s pal locks Ed’s desk, collapses, runs on in. (71)

Nip a leper//stolen in//Nine lots,//Repel a pin! (260)

Nip a pin. (4)

Nip ATM tap-in. 144

Nip eels if I sleep in. 144

“Nip in!” I say as I nip in. (260)

Nip sanitary care now, as I saw one racy rat in a spin. (260)

Nip, tuck, cut pin. 429

Nips delirial from Al Gore (zero glamor, flair,) “I led spin!” (109)

Nisei babies sit up if I put issei babies in. (260)

Nissan aids Diana’s sin. 144

Nit felt uber-aware, but left in. 144

Nit ill if I say, “As I fill it in…” 144

Nit posts, “Ace casts opt in.” 144

Nita, bad Ella called a bat in! (11)

Nita sews reward: dud drawers we sat in! (11)

Nita wets: an acetate can, a stew, a tin. (71)

Nita’s satin! (98)

Nite slain, Ed sat as denial set in. (165)

Niter can even a cretin. 144

Niter filled a deli I fret in. 144

Nits irk Kristin. (144)

Nits rub if I burst in. 1144

Nix a final plait, Ned, if no confidential plan I fax in. (260)

Nix otter ref’s ferret toxin. 144

No, animal, snip ye no hymen (one my honey pins lamina on!) (1)

No bag was I ere I saw Gabon. (88)

No bargain, a blasting is a sign it’s Albania: grab on! (260)

No, Boston signing is not (sob!) on. 200

No bra casts a carbon? (144)

No braces use carbon. (260, 429)

“No Bush, eh–sub on!” (296)

No cabbage,” we gab. “Bacon!” 372

No cabernet as is is a ten (re bacon.) 200

No cab saves Eva’s bacon. (201)

No, cadet Art’s “erratic illicit arrest” rated a con. 200

No, cadet Rik skirted a con. 200

No, cadet Tim Daniel Klein admitted a con. 200

No, cadet, Tim mocks a task, committed a con. 408

“No cadets open Olive Oyl’s self, lest some vile dude live most selflessly, O evil one!” posted a con. (260)

No, can I prepare Dave, nailed at a deli, an evader, a perp in a con? 200

No, can I say “Baby” as in a con? 394

No canal pondered, now in awe, wan, I wondered,” No plan– a con?” 00

No canary ran a con. 429, 144 

No Casanova, no Dr. of Tarts nixes sex in Stratford on Avon as a con. 200

No case divides a con. (144)

No cash tort ebb betroths a con. 144

No, Casie’s Rome remorse is a con. (200)

No casino can even up a pun: even a con is a con. (260)

No casino can ever offer one Keno ref, for even a con is a con. (260)

No casino can ever odd-or-even: a con is a con. (260)

No, casino con is a con. 408

No casino dialytic rat Star City laid on is a con. 260

No, “casino reddened Deron” is a con. 200

No casinos sell lit stogie I got, still, lesson is a con. 429

No cast iron is in, or it’s a con! 144

No castle pelts a con! 144

“No castrati movie,” I vomit, “art’s a con!” 423

No cat’s apt at pasta con? 200

“No cider!” obsesses bored icon. 144

No cinema men I con. (260)

No Citadel breed o’ deer bled at Icon. (237)

No, Claire’s a nice LA tram smart-alec in a serial con. 200

No, Claire’s den made lots: Lara Croft’s erratic illicit arrest for car Al stole damned serial con. (260)

“No, clang is a signal, con.” 144

No clap ended Nepal con. (200)

No clear sides: Palestinian erases arena in its elapsed Israel con. (260)

No Coen as is is a neocon. (200)

No coital left in it: fellatio, Con! (260)

No, Crete Mo, deep six a taxi speedometer con. (200)

“No, crews”, NATO nods, “do not answer con.” (260)

No D.A. if a “made man” named a Mafia don. (260)

No dago may assay a Mogadon. (260)

No, Dan uses unadon. 144

No darn urn, Emma–ram men, run–radon! (71)

No darts on a sock, Cora, rock Cosa Nostra don. (260)

No dates set : ad on? 00

No deb, Anna was a wannabe, Don. (200)

No, Deborah, a robe–don! (4)

No, Dee, Pedro had a horde peed on. (200)

No deer gag agreed on. (98)

No deity tied on? 485

No deli deliver, or Evil Ed I led on? 411

No delivery, ample help, may revile don. 200

“No deltoid in a spa Zorro zaps!” an idiot led on. 429

No demerits tire me, Don. (170)

No Dena elixir, tall, effaced a decaf fellatrix I leaned on. (254)

No, denim’s mine, Don. (200)

No, deport it (tit rope!) Don. 1

No devil idolised a jade silo Di lived on. 260

No devil [let sap erupt; pure pastel/lice–Cecil/,no garden; one dragon/Steve, vets] lived on. (98)

No devil lived on. (00-many)

No, devil slob, my symbols lived on. (98)

No devil’s amoral aromas lived on.  1

No devil’s deeds lived on. (140)

No devils met if items lived on. (201)

No dialytic ore fees see ferocity laid on. (260)

No dialytic rats Star City laid on. (260)

“No diet” is a site I don. (144)

No dime’s at a semi, Don. 144

No distended nets I don. (260)

No DNA ball I will abandon. (260)

No, DNA, ban abandon! (237)

No, do brag not on Garbo, Don. (200)

No, do not denigrate tar gin, Ed, to no don. (200)

No, do not turn, rut, to no Don! 1

No, do orbit Ed, a cadet I brood on. 200

No, doc, assess a codon. 144

No, doc, I redo GA nag ode: “RICO Don.” 144

No, Don, don’t fight a poet’s osteopath gift; nod, nod on. (71)

“No, Don–oh, turn Ruth on–O, Don!” (71)

No, don’t revert–no, Don. (71)

No, Dot, do not nip a pinto–nod to Don. (71)

No dot, nor Ottawa “legal age” law at Toronto, Don. (10)

No, Dote not on E.T., O Don. (200)

“No” dots a man on a mastodon. 429

No, Dot’s a mastodon. (260)

No Dot’s pull-ups to don? (5)

No, Dr. Eli made Ned a miler, Don. (200)

“No dresser, Don!” (97)

No dude muffles a self fumed udon. 429

No dude [pooped/led/revered/tooted/piped/divided/gaged/mimed] udon. 144

No duet ate udon. 144

No ‘duh’ ’til I thud on! 144

“No, Ed,” I gasp, “Ruby burps a Gideon.” (255)

No, Ed, I get a hotel Bible to hate: Gideon. (71-1)

No, Ed – I rise – no bones, I ride on. (71)

No, Ed, “iced” I decide on. (200)

No, Eli, pile on! (109)

No, Em is Nastase’s at San Simeon. (200)

No, Em is wonky, y’know, Simeon? 460

No, emit no one-note tone, noontime on. 404

No emu I dope to note podium eon. 144

No, end neon! 97

No ensign, I [d/p/s]ing, is neon. 144

No epiphany … may a mynah pipe on? (260)

No erased odes are on.  144

No E-spot stops eon!  1

No, Ev, I live on. (71) (see, also, Commentaries-IV)

No evil did a jar, a ham…ay, a maharaja did live on. 448

No evil I did, I live on. (350)

No, evil, I finish, Sir – I’m Irish – sin if I live on …(71)

No evil, live on. (many)

No, evil Madam, live on! 473

No evil sagas live on. (139)

No evil Shahs live on. (16)

No evil yams may live on. 513

No, evil’s deeds live on. (138)

No evils live on. (8)

No gal faded [after Bret faded] a flagon. 144

No gar rate tarragon. (85)

No garden can add an acne dragon. (260)

No garden obsesses bone dragon. (144)

No garden oiled a deli one dragon. (144)

“No, gardener,” I tell Lew, “we’ll let Irene drag on.” (307)

No gas, I dump Marcia, I cramp mud, I sag on. (71)

No, Gawd nabs bandwagon. 506

No gawk can see snack wagon. 144

No gawker tasks a trek wagon. 425

No geek at stake, Egon? 144

No Gero, drag it to hot Tigard, Oregon!  1

No Geronimo–deer flee from a damned raw warden-madam, or feel freedom in Oregon. (71)

No, Geronimo, deer fret over a rare voter freedom in Oregon. (260)

No Geronimo odes reverse doom in Oregon. 144

No, Geronimo ordered room in Oregon. (144)

No, Geronimo, ’twas I saw Tom in Oregon. (71)

No GI assay’s sassy as Saigon. (144)

No GI asset abates Saigon. (144)

No, gird no maid a diamond rig on. 11

No golden Iago, dodo gained logon. 394

No gray peer can even a creepy argon. 144

“No grog?” asks a gorgon. 144

No guts, alas, tug on. 144

“No,” gutsy ass says, “Tug on!” 144

No Hal, I led Delilah on. (5)

No, Halle, apt am I, Tim, at paella, hon. 200

No haven in Eva, hon. (254)

No, he dunno what Utah won, nude, hon. (1)

No, he tats (opa!) Nan, an apostate, hon. 200

No, help pans Snapple, hon. (200)No, help pin a nipple, hon. 443

No, her acid, Em, not on Medicare, hon. 200

No herd acts in an onanist cadre, hon. (260)

No, here we were, hon! (97)

No, here’s a tip: pita sere, hon. (200)

No, hero Clinton’s not nil-core, hon. (1)

No hero gone, so rose no gore, hon. (254)

No hero metallic, a voter I wire to vacillate more, hon. (254)

No hero monetary rate no more, hon. 200

No herons snore, hon. 144

No, high to me, he bailed at a deli, a behemoth GI, hon. 200

No, Holy Mama, I am a Mylo, hon. (1)

“No home demo, hon…” (98)

No hymnal plan, my hon? (200)

No, I met System Ion. (116)

No, I nip pinion. (85)

No, I no pull up onion! (98)

No, I now arm a hero: more ham, raw onion. (260)

No, I nude, lucid–I ridiculed union. (71)

No, I nude, rising, I sign–I sired Union. (71)

No, I rivet, abate virion. (1)

No, I (Royal) consider: Fred is no clay Orion.  394

No, I save NASA as an evasion. 429

No, I save on final perusal–a sure plan if no evasion. (10)

No, I save seven mutual autumn eves’ evasion. (245)

No, I saw one now as ion.  1

No, I sire[d a] derision. 144

No, I sired Elba’s able derision! 485

No, I sired Rose: unevaded Avenues or derision? 429

No, I sired Sandy! (D.N.A.’s derision) 485

No, I slum emulsion. 429

“No, I so recite opera,” Webster frets, “beware poetic erosion!” 423

No, I sullied a made illusion. 144

No, I sullied (until today) a dot-lit, nude illusion. (1)

No, I tag Ella’s allegation. (98)

No, I tail a “ter[m/ror] retaliation”. 429

No, I tan (I cull a hallucination!) (109)

No I tan, I cull a hypocrisy sir, copy hallucination. 429

No, I tan–I’m at no contamination! (1)

“No!”, I tap, “It’s no contest … it set no constipation.” (260)

No, I tar Eve’s sad asseveration. 200

No, I, tart surf-tider, credit frustration. (1)

No, I tat on NASA’s annotation. 144

No, I told a hiker, tan on a trek, I had lotion. 200

No, I told Ed I redo no derided lotion! 394

“No–” I told Ed, “lotion!” (1)

“No,” I told it, “I’d lotion.” 429

No, I told Logan, “snag old lotion.” 429

“No, I told loser I re-sold lotion. ” 144

No-I, Tom, or Pat O’Greer got a promotion? 408

No, [I (Tom) did mo/I, Tom, mock commo/I top Sis’ po/it roped a made por] tion. (1)

“No, I, Tu, love evolution.” (179)

“No,” I Tut, “it’s no constitution.” (109)

“No, ill Ebert sacks a ‘Mask’ cast rebellion!” 144

No, I’ll impugn a bang-up million. (260)

No ill imam rasps, “Arm a million”. 144

No “in”: I model it so hero/maniac ire made divided America in a more hostile dominion. 260

No iron in Orion? (200)

No iron is in Orion. 144

“No iron on Orion?” (174)

No, ironic, I note [mime-/rare]tonic in Orion. (71)

No iron-on robe, no bone born on Orion. (71)

No ironwood I tub, but I do own Orion. (254)

“No” is I cede decision. 144

No, is iced dab a bad decision? (1)

No, Is Ivan a pro for Panavision? 200

No, is Ivy’s order a red rosy vision? (5)

“No!” is Ivy’s sassy vision. 144

“No” is re vanilla, all in aversion. 200

No, is secret up: Mock of OK Computer cession? 425

“No” is Simone’s rash sarsen omission. (260)

“No” is simple help mission. (144)

“No I.T. acolyte,” I rave, “notes I set one variety location.” (260)

No, it alerts Ed lest Curt’s niece instructs eldest relation. 394

No “it” at ice recitation? (237)

No, it (Cafe Tulsa Hobo) has a lute faction. 394

No it can: action! 459

No, it can assess an action. (5)

No, it can, I see, be bees in action. 200

No, it, CART, is operative, Evita, re positraction. (200)

No it curses ruction. 429

No, it–ides, Sis–is sedition! (1)

No, it is open if an isle’s severe vessel’s in a fine position.(260)

No, it is open on one position. (5)

No, it is opposed; art sees trade’s opposition. (112)

No, it is opposition. (101)

No I.T. net taste gets attention. (260)

No, it never precluded ulcer prevention. 429

No, it never propagates if I set: a ‘gap” (or prevention.) (5)

No, it posed Ian an aide’s option. (4)

No, it poses order–a red roses option. (4)

No, it, pot salsa, deli version, Illinois reviled as last option. 200

“No, it rots,” I droned, “I am a foe of a maiden – or distortion.” (260)

No, Ita’s in a gross old loss organisation. (260)

No, it’s a bar of gold–a bad log for a bastion. (101or112)

No, it’s a bare divider, a bastion. (71)

No, it’s a [bast/fast]ion. (154,372)

No it’s a boob at a taboo bastion. (260)

No, it’s a Bozo bastion. 8

No, it’s a brewer bastion. 431

No, it’s a cast ion… (203)

No, it’s a fast, if it’s a fast ion. (201)

No, it’s a fast ion. (1)

No, it Curt’s nocturnal plan, rut: Construction. 411

No, it’s egg-user Ab’s bare suggestion. (260)

“No, J-Lo naps en espanol, Jon.” (173)

“No jazz,” I pondered, “No pizza, Jon?” (200)

No jazz: I prefer pizza, Jon. 97

No Jedi, remorseless, is Seles’ Rome ride, Jon. 200

No Jedi snidely led inside Jon. (260)

No, Joni MacLenan is in an El Camino, Jon. (173)

“No, Josephs, Upton did not push peso!” – Jon. 200

“No,” K.C. ordered, “rock on!” (200)

No kin assess a Nikon. 144

No, Lang, is signal on? (245)

“No lasagnas!” sang a salon. (144)

No lash site for pro-fetish salon? 144

No, lass denies I met illicit salesgirl; rigs elastic I’ll itemise in Ed’s salon. (260)

No lass is in an ISIS salon. 200

No lass saw Ass Salon. 144

“No, last Sim is septum smut!” pessimist salon. 429

No lava sprawl warps Avalon. (85)

No lava was I ere I saw Avalon. (111)

No, Le Mans is name, Lon. (200)

No lefties oppose it, felon! (11)

No leftist egg gets it, felon. 429

No leftist’s rube burst, “Sit, felon!” 144

No, Lem, we dye no honeydew melon. (260)

No lemon sports Red Nelson’s Latin ego – no genitals, no slender strops, no melon. (71)

No lemonade Eva gave Harris; sirrah, Eva gave Eda no melon. (11)

No less, orcs cross Elon. 144

No, let’s ape past Elton.  459

No liar, Uma saw a samurai, Lon. (200)

No liars rail on. 461

No–‘loco gas’ is a “go” colon. 144

No, logon’s ‘no go’, Lon. 200

No lye clears Israel, Ceylon. (24)

No, Lyn, no pets step on nylon. (71)

No, Lynda had nylon. 144

No, Lynn is in nylon. 408

No, Lynne vows, “woven nylon.” 144

No, Lynn wore her own nylon. 200

No, Mac, I remain “God’s dog ‘n’ I America,” mon! (1)

No mad demand, Alec, if for a wastrel, alerts a War Office lad named Damon. (260)

“No” made Paterno’s son retape Damon. (200)

No magnates use Tang, Amon. 200

No man nicely [graded/grasps] argyle cinnamon. 144

No man, Nick, can snack cinnamon. (71)

No man nicks a rotor: ask Cinnamon. (260)

“No, Marcia, some mosaic!”—Ramon. 200

No marina mogul’s a slug Omani, Ramon. 200

No, Mark Cuban is in: a buck, Ramon. 200

“No Martini and Rossi, miss, or DNA in it.” -Ramon 200

No mask’s a task, Sam — on. 394

No med egged ’em on! 453

No Mede lapses or delivers reviled Rose’s pale demon. (254)

No media snob, Ada had a bonsai demon. 200

No media snob sees bonsai demon! 144

No, Mel, a sleepy baby peels a lemon. (120)

No, Mel Gibson is a casino’s big lemon. (212)

“No, Melody, Amy may do lemon. ” 144

No men avoid a radio vane, mon. (144)

No miff, it’s stiff–I’m on! (1)

“No minor tamp, matron–I’m on!” (11)

No miser I hire, Simon. 200

No misogyny — go, Simon! 423

No, Miss, end a sadness–I’m on. (71)

No Miss, I’m on! (237)

No, Miss, it is Simon. (5or146)

No misses: I ridicule lucid irises, Simon. 429

No Misses ordered roses, Simon. (99,200)

“No Missy, assuming is a sign I’m us,” says Simon. 429

No mistake, epic, I peek at Simon. 429

No mistress asserts I’m on. (144)

No mists or frost, Simon. (10)

No mists reign at Tangier St., Simon. (98)

No Mitt, I’m on. (255)

No mix of a Spitz tips a fox I’m on! 389

No Molosser ires Solomon. 507

No Molson I deliver; still it’s reviled in Oslo, mon. 200

No, Mr., omit NASA as anti-Mormon. 144

No – nab El Nino, or croon in Lebanon. (71)

No nap; eels sleep anon. 144

No naturism era held no freer fondle harems — I rut anon! 423

No–noose be soon on! (00-350)

No, not toccata “C”, cotton on! (254)

No nurse is at NAFTA, ergo great fantasies run on. (260)

No, nurse–save last sale (vases); run on! (71)

“No, nurse, we live!” says Sissy, as evil ewes run on. (71)

“No nursemaid?” I, Ames, run on. (254)

No nurses OD on PCP, no doses run on. (260)

No nurses [on Tele let noses] run on. (307)

No, O God, I (fit if I do) go on. (11)

No, O men, I left rat–not a cat–on tart, feline moon. (106)

No obese ma is a Siamese boon. 144

No [ocelot(s) stole / octets stet / octopi pot] coon. 144

No ogres sell lesser goon. 144

No, older Asia is a “red loon.” 144

No older belle bred loon. 144

No Omani devil lived in a moon. (260) 109

No omen, a Snider ( a wasted ace cadet ) saw a red insane moon. 200

No omen, as Nina saw, was an insane moon. 200

No omen; I video doe, divine moon.

“No omen?” I wondered, “No wine-moon?” (71)

No one can ace noon? 144

No one made killer apparel like Dame Noon. 97

No one mock cock come noon. 394

No one reborn a Clay or a Royal can rob ere noon! 394

No one redeem me, Ed, ere noon. (98)

No one rests ere noon. 372, 144

No one rewards draw ere noon. 144No one to vote “Noon

No one to vote “no” on! 00

No one to vote “Noon”? 144

No Ontario duo ban I in a boudoir at noon. (200)

No Ontario nerd eyed Renoir at noon. (31)

No, Oprah Smith, Clifton did not filch Tim’s harpoon. (292)

“No” (or a “maybe”) can add an ace by a Maroon. (260)

No ostracised art for Eliot, a toiler of trades I cart soon. (11)

No, Pa, ewes [oppo/u]se weapon. 144

No, pals slap on! 483

“No pan…?” I say as I nap on. (1)

No pang I rig, nap on. (254)

No panic, I nap on! (many)

No panic, it situates purer upset; autistic, I nap on. 423

No pansy-ass says, “Nap on!” 144

“No, pansy-ass” sobs Omar, “Amos; boss says ‘nap on’.” (71)

“No pansy awl: a scissors Ros sics, always–nap on!” (1)

No parts, oh ghost, rap on. (1)

No parts[, Sis,] strap on. (1)

No pee kiosk, so I keep on. 429

“No peels!” I say as I sleep on. (71)

No pet so tragic as a cigar to step on. (70)

No pets Otto got to step on? 394

No, pilsener is a siren slip-on. 429

“No Pinot Noir on Orion to nip on…” (149)

No–poor, tide-suffused, I troop on. (71)

No – poor tit – sodden nuts stunned, dost I troop on? (71)

No, Pope, take no turn–I again rut one Kate, pop on! 254

No prat asks a tarpon. (144)

No pup e’er creep up on. (200)

No puss I kiss upon. 144

No put, “Calliope repo I’ll act upon.” 200

“No, put up signage to veto vote,” vote gang is put upon. 423

No, Ramen enamors as it is, as Roman enema, Ron. 200

“No, recall lace!” – Ron. 485

No, ‘red dodder Ed’, dodder on! 254

No, redo crab’s barcode, Ron. 200

No red-rig drowsy doom to Howard–draw, O, hot, moody sword-girder on! (11)

“No regrets–I’m Damon (a nomad), Mister Geron.” (1)

No reha[b rags barb/sh oohs/sh tip piths] a heron. 144

No; relate, Mat, Aesop’s Elba fables–pose a tame tale, Ron. (10)

No REM acts if I fist Cameron? 144

No REM sleep peels me, Ron. (1)

No remorse divides Rome, Ron. 144

No renegade used a generality ’til a renegade sued a gene, Ron. (260)

No ride, we hewed iron. 429

No rider sees red iron. 144

No, rigid Tony, ample hon, still it’s no help, may not dig iron. 423

No rigid yams may dig iron. 423

“No ring is a sign.” — I, Ron. 144

“No!” risks iron..! (85)

“No, rob a list, ” Ron snorts, “I labor on!” (71)

No robots are drawn in, warder, as to boron. (260)

“No roll-order!” I wired Rollo, Ron. (71)

No Roman in a ribald lab, I ran in a moron. 200

No Roman, it’s Tina, moron! (278)

No, Roman words drown a moron. 200

“No rot!” Del[ia wai/la cal]led to Ron. (71)

No rot in Oman, rut in a crew or gel in a Nile grower … can I turn a monitor on? (260)

“No, rub it, Nina!” – my man in Tiburón. 415

“No rye, boy–” ordered Roy, “obey Ron!” (71)

No, sad losers resold a son. 144

No sadnesses send a son. (260)

“No, ” said an Irish Siri, “Nadia’s on.” 417

No, sail on, Ott, to no liason. (200)

No Sam, allow two llamas on. 429

No, Sam–as I told a bad lot–is a mason. (11)

No, Sam, on [silos, Sol/Sis] is no mason. (71)

No, Sam’s mom’s mom’s “Ma,” son. (1)

No sap aids diapason. (4)

No saw was on? (1)

No scut was I ere I saw Tucson. 292

No scuttle felt, Tucson. 144

No sea glamor–foment Nemo from algae, son. 429

No seen mail said, “I, as Liam Neeson…” 144

No, Sega ages on. 2-1

“No…” Senor Dresser drones on. (71)

No, serial Tempe pep met LA ire, son. 200

No, set a maple here; help a mate, son. (10)

No sex, Obama boxes on. 307

No sex, or extra-wet Stewart xeroxes on! (254)

No Shahs if PLO offish, ah, son? 77

No, she stops spots, eh, son? (00)

No sheep oil Lacy’s semi-messy calliope, eh, son? (71)

No Siamese Ma is on. 144

No sib ate feta bison. 144

No sibling able to hate let a hotel bag nil bison. (260)

No sibs sass bison. 144

No, Sibyl lists a fast, silly bison! 144

No, Sibyl, rush Pat: I pen an epitaph, “Surly bison.” 71

No, Sid, I bit: “Cacti” bid is on. 200

No side ‘B,’ Edison? (200)

“No side dish, Sid?” – Edison.  485

No sidecar I raced is on. 144

No side noted a cadet on Edison. (254)

No[,] siege is on[!]. (many)

No sieve is on. 144

“No sign” I sing, “is on!” 144

No sign, in evening, is on. (64)

No sign is in agronomy tests: “Etymon organising is on”. (260)

No, sign it at calypso speed: nip in deep; so spy lactating is on. (260)

No sign of Fong is on. (237)

No signage, gang, is on. 144

No signing is on. (200)

No simian aim is on? 144

No sin unites a set in unison. (No, sin unites a set–in unison!) 144

No, Sir, a[way–a papaya] war is on! (97)

No, sir, panic in a prison! 431

No, Sir, panic is a basic in a prison. (59)

No sir, pastor trots a prison. 429

No, sir, paw at Toni, Lani did in Al in Ottawa Prison. (254)

No, Sir, pay a prison. (237)

No sir, pen it sir: pat a tempo, call a cop (met at a pristine prison). 429

“No, sir, prefer prison.” (86)

No sir, rage caps a space garrison. 429

“No sir!” rages Iris E. Garrison. (144)

“No sir, Rome is!” ordered Rosie Morrison. (245)

No Siri affair is on. 200

No slacker trek Cal’s on. 200

No, slam it politely, Kyle, til optimal, son. 423

No, slang is a signal, son. (1,144)

No slave, I demolish Tom’s moth-silo, medieval son. (71)

No, slay old adage: “beg a dad”, loyal son. 429

No sleep, alone, Wes arises, sucks Alf’s flask, cusses Ira’s ewe Nola, peels on. (71)

No slender breeder (a bare deer) bred Nelson. (254)

No slender evil was I ere I saw live, red Nelson. (10)

No slender ram marred Nelson. (245)

No slender red nudes reversed under Red Nelson. 394

No slender-based Iris, I ride sabred Nelson. (254)

“No slit spit Q-Tips!” – Tilson. 485

No slob muddle, he (Fink?) struck now at one dude (not a wonk), Curt’s knife held: dumb Olson! 394

No slogans [s]nag Olson. (245, [429])

“No, slop is not new.” went on Sip Olson. (71)

No slop, Sarge–we grasp Olson. (71)

No sloth gifts; I fist-fight Olson. (71)

No slow Elsinore heron, I slew Olson. (254)

No, smash Sam’s mash, Samson. (200)

No, smash Tom, mammoth Samson. 372

No ‘smirch saddle’ held Dash Crimson! 429

No snag: evade red room of FOMO!” ordered a vegan son. 394

No snit, on to home–memo hot not in, son. (1)

No snob, Birdie, I’d ribbons on! (254)

No, snow won, Son. (237)

No, so go to Togo, son. (202)

No–so tundra has a hard nut, O son?! (1)

“No, son.” (11,00-many)

No, son, Onanism’s a gross orgasm-sin–a no-no, son! (70)

No, Sonya Wallace, call away no son. (1)

“No sot, nor Ottawa law at Toronto, son!” (112)

No, “speed nurses” run deep, son! (165)

“No splash!” sang Nash’s alp son. (254)

No spoor trail alerts a wastrel: a liar troops on. (260)

No, spur a deceit; tie cedar up, son. (1)

No stab–mock combat’s on! (85)

No state patrol, I ask sailor, “tape tats on?” 429

No, Steel: fix a taxi fleet, son. (260)

No stew wet son. 144

“No-stir egg,” added Dagger, “it’s on!” 429

No, stop a filial flail if a pot’s on! 429

No, stop–save Eva’s pot, son! (338)

No stops–red limo took cuckoo to milder spot, son. 372

No, strafing is a sign I fart, son. 144

‘No stress’ ass asserts on… 144

“No stupid exes revote: got to get oversexed!” I put, son. (260)

No, Sue, rule us; Sue, lure us on. (254)

No symbols assess a slob, my son. (260)

“No,” Tamar did yell over a bed; Amnon made bare volley, did ram a ton. 423

“No tap?” so muses a base sumo, spat on. 200

No tapirs rip a ton. (144)

No tarot, Otto, to rat on? 394

No, Tasmania gained a den; I again am sat on. (260)

No taste gets a ton. (144)

No tat sold, (ads I heard are rad, Rae) his dad lost a ton. 200

No tax if I fix a ton. (260)

“No telecaster fleets for a bare vet … ah, whatever, a bar of steel frets,” Ace let on. (260)

“No telegram…” Marge let on. (5or11)

“No telepath, crash a tumor from Utah’s arch,” tape let on. 429

“No!” telepath tape let on. 429

No television, Illinois, I’ve let on. (200)

“No tenor, eh Gallagher, on Eton?” (71)

No testbed for a war of debts, Eton. (71)

No, tie it on. (62)

No time edits a past I deem it on. 144

No tin IPO to pin it on? 144

“No, tips in a mall: I kidnap and I kill a man I spit on.” (109)

No, ’tis [Iris, sir/Ida Lee, lad], I sit on. (71)

No togs Eve’s got on! (11)

No, toot on! 485

No, topstone’s use not spot on. 372

No traces abase carton. (144)

No, Tracy, we’d lime not one mildewy carton. 423

No, two was a ” wow” ton! (237)

No, Uma, still it’s a muon. 200

No van I see’s in Avon. 144

No, Vega suggests egg usage, Von. (200)

No votes re VA Miss I’m averse to, Von? 200

No Vulcan is in ACLU, Von. (200)

No war did I draw on. 144

No war doth promise babes I morph to draw on. (260)

No war if IRA won! 394

No war-bed: Debra won! (1)

No–was last salsa won? (237)

No waste; grab a bar, get saw on. (5)

“No way a papaya won!” (97)

No way, Bud — Dubya won. 425

No way, elf-fawn–waffle, yaw on! (1)

No way “not-Tonya” won! 144

No, we both promise I’m on ocean, anableps; I dispel banana economies I morph to be won. (260)

“No, we both turn it in, Ruth, to be won!” 429

“No, we demo stupid algebra bar–be glad I put some Dew on!” 144

No, we do ID a level a diode won. (260)

No, we have to layaway a lot, Eva: he won. 372

No, we hit cacti he won. 144

No, we offer a ref foe won. 144

No…we see geese won! 394

No, we wet a bed as a debate we won. (260)

No, we won! (many)

No web part notes (at art strata, set on trap) be won. (237)

No weeds Dee won. (71)

No welfare era flew on. (245)

No, we’re both gullible to hotel bill, ugh, to be re-won. 429

No, we’ve won! (237)

No, what up, Utah won? 429

No wide diced evil, I’ve decided I won. 429

No wiener, Rene, I won. (71)

No WiFi if I won. 144

“No WIFI?” – Red – “Now I wonder if I won!” 485

No wig, [a (b/h)ag/Geronimo–no minor egg/no gong/nor pony; no prong/or fag or grog–a frog/ or (f/g)rog] I won. (71)

No, Will, I won! (97)

No win is a sin I won. 144

No wine vintner apparent, Niven, I won. 200

No winos purr: it stupified a mix I made if I put stirrups on – I won! (260)

No – wire E[b/d], “A [b/d]eer I won!” (71)

No wire papayas I raffle stipulate metal – plate metal! – up itself far”, I say, “a paper I won.” (260)

No, wise dudes, I won. 372

No, wise mages use many names, use games I won. 372

No wise man’s names I won. 394

No, with gift, fight I won! 423

No … with gifts, a last fight I won. (260)

No, with Gil bird-rib light, I won. (1)

No, with gilded light I won. (260)

No, with gin, Otto hot tonight, I won. 200

No, with ‘ginkgo dog’ knight I won! 144

No, with girdle held right, I won. (109-1)

No, with Guantanamo man at naught, I won. 429

No witness is sent, I won! 429

No witness sent, “I won!” 144

No wits elate Meta, lest I won. 144

No woman-y dynamo won. 144

No wonder it’s tired, “No” won! (237)

“No word, Don…odd… row on.” (237)

“No word,” I say, as I’d row on. (95)

“No word, no bond; row on.” (10)

“No work, no mask–” Saturn in rut asks a monk, “row on?” 429

No worse, Pacific apes row on. (245)

No wrath, Sir–Ishtar won! 254

(no wrath) “Tar won!” 485

No, Wyoming, Nimoy won! (23, 200)

No yarn, I knit sisal: alas, I stink in rayon. (260)

No yarn, I saw, was in rayon. (307)

“No yarn if fat steer got to greet staff in rayon.” 429

No yarn is in rayon. (307)

No yarn, Otis–I sit on rayon. (71)

No-yes, rapidly, Syl, dip arse yon! (1)

No yeti’s now on site yon. 200

Nob Nobel bared no panel, let ego (Goth’s “adios”) retard a mad rater, so I dash to go get Ellen a ponderable bon-bon. (254)

Nod, Don. (85)

Nod, egged on. (85)

Nod, I bite llama mallet I bid on.  429

Nod, Nan, on and on… 144

Nod, Nila Jo, to J.A. Lindon! (11)

Nod on as I let love revive, revolt Elisa; nod on! (71)

Nod, or ten alpacas may assess a yam sac a plane trod on. (260)

Nod rape pardon. (161)

Nod, Roger–I hire Gordon. (71)

Nod, roll Lord on. (237)

Nod won Snowdon. (85)

Nodes are erased art trades are erased on. (260)

Nodes are erased on stats nodes are erased on. (260)

Noe noted a fade to neon. 394

Noel did idle on. (144)

Noel, I did not rub Burton; did I Leon? (16)

Noel, I pile on. (144, 429)

Noel, I prefer to not refer pile-on. 144

“Noel, I prevail,” I aver, “pile on!” (260)

Noel, laggard, I drag galleon! 429

Noel, let’s egg Estelle on. (16)

Noel peels a saw: I was asleep, Leon. (260)

Noel saw I was Leon. (16)

Noel sees Bob, as a foe of Asa (Bob) sees Leon. (98-1)

Noel sees Leon. (5)

Nog eroded Oregon. (85)

Noise: Lenin is an asinine lesion. (267)

Noise’s simple kelp misses Ion. 390

“Noisy assist Sis!” says Ion. 429

Nola’s at a salon. 144

Noll, is Sam foe of Massillon? (200)

Nomad accosted a cadet, so cc a DA, mon. 200

Nomad Al led Della, Damon. 480

Nomads – Sikhs in ruby burnish – kiss Damon. (260)

Nome D.A. sees a demon. (21)

Nome Dad eyed a demon. 144

Nome Dasani’s a sin as a demon. 144

“Nome daybed” is an aside by a demon. 144

Nome demanded, ” Name demon!” 200

Nome devil, alas, is Al, a live demon. 200

Nominal pay–a plan I’m on! (307)

Nomists reign at Tangier, St. Simon. (16)

Nona, labor to not rob Al-Anon. 144

Nona, receipt piece ran on… 144

None, Kate, can assess an ace taken on. (260)

None miss Simenon. (254)

Non-expatriates punish taps as paths in upset air tap xenon. (260)

Nonna, can I poop in a cannon? (71)

No-no is: I’ve let [a] television on. (402 [133])

No-no risks iron-on! 144

Non-words drown on! (88)

Noon, Tania: gag again at noon! 485

Noor toted Al Slade to Troon. (200)

Noose be soon! (85)

Noose is sent if I fit Nessie soon. 144

Noose me soon. (255)

Noose rite rots – to retire soon! 144

Noose-born Edna, push table to hotel bath, sup and enrobe soon. (11)

Noose-musers resume soon. (71)

Nooses are dismal clams I’d erase soon. (260)

Nooses are items ikons eye; yes, no kismet I erase soon. (260)

Nooses unit: is it in use soon? (260)

No-pants act: some, dirtily lit, ride; most cast nap on. 423

Nope, Elsie, I sleep on. 144

Nor I nor a camel–bar O’Day–breed deer by adorable macaroni, Ron! (254)

Nor I nor Emma had level’d a hammer on iron. (78)

“Nor is Bali scenic,” I demonstrate, “Dams made tarts no medicine CSI labs iron.” (260)

Nor is gum a mug’s iron. 411

Nor pan an imam in an apron! 394

Nora, alert, saws goldenrod-adorned logs, wastrel Aaron! (16)

“Nora, arise!” Ross knocks Ed’s desk, conks sore Sir Aaron. (71)

Nora, Basil is a baron. 200

Nora, Basil (Rae’s ‘earl’) is a baron. (11)

“Nora, be nosy a sec if fussy obese boys suffice,” says one baron. (260)

Nora came to vote “Macaron”. 144

Nora got a toga, Ron. (278)

Nora, my cast-up puts a cymar on! (11)

Nora, revel (clever!) a Ron. (1)

NORAD, Art, is it (radar) on? (200)

Norah swept Sol’s lost pew, Sharon. (71)

Norah’s dessert, Sid, distressed Sharon. (71)

Norah’s foes order red rose of Sharon. (5)

Norah’s lei rasps Ariel Sharon. (260)

Norah’s moods, alas, doom Sharon. (16)

“Norah’s moods,” Naomi moans, “doom Sharon.” (5)

Norah’s pure venom: “Is Simon ever up Sharon?” (254)

Norah’s rat saw a predawn wader paw a star, Sharon. (254)

Norah’s rod–a sign–is reversing Isador, Sharon. (254)

Norah’s sewage, Meg, awes Sharon! (254)

Norah’s [sex, Eva, vexes/spot stops] Sharon. (71)

Norah’s yard note: “Parapet on dray, Sharon.” (254)

Nordeen’s met system’s need, Ron. (245)

Nordic calf sees flaccid Ron. (260)

Noreen…knee Ron. (237)

Noriega can idle, held in a cage–iron! (265)

Noriega casts a cage: iron! (83)

Noriega made me damage iron! (307)

Noriega to base: sabotage iron! (71)

Noriega went, ogled a ticklish silk citadel; got New-Age iron. (71)

No-risk cash sacks iron. 144

Norm Adams knocks Ed’s desk, conks Madam, Ron. (71)

Norm, I’m Ron. (62)

Norma, I am Ron. (188+/or4)

“Norma,” I say, “no beau qua Ebony–as I am Ron!” (1)

Norma, in a can I am Ron. (71)

Norma is as selfless as I am, Ron. (11or137)

Normal so[ds d/ts t]o slam Ron. 144

Norma’s [not on] Sam, Ron. (98)

Norse, born in a manor, a baron, a man in robes: Ron. 394

Norse Kate takes Ron. 144

Norse man names Ron. 144

“Norse Nut In” I spot as a tops in iTunes, Ron. 200

Norse love to tote voles, Ron. 394

Norse Rihanna hires Ron. 144

Norse villager lived evil, regal lives, Ron. (372)

Norseman, Radar, names Ron. (237)

Nortel backs, Ira wondered now, a risk: Cabletron? 200

North crocs scorch Tron. (144)

North girder case vilifies a base if I live sacred, right, Ron? (260)

North Guatemala: Lola, lame, taught Ron. (109)

Norton, fire her if not Ron. (256)

Norton [panned Ali; I, laden, nap/sparred Ali, lad: er, raps] not, Ron. (106)

Norton saw Bob was not Ron! (98-1)

No’s in Ev’s venison. (200)

No’s raw war’s on? (1)

Nose cardamom ad races on. 144

Nose–daft, sewn-on, late petal (non-West)–fades on. (11)

Nose grub urges on! 144

Nose I tag loosely, Ryle, so Olga ties on. (11)

Nose mannish (Tom’s), aha, has moths in, names on. (11)

Nose to tail, Elia totes on. 144

Nose turbo to brute, son. (237-1)

Nose video: foe-dive, son! (179)

Nose ye peek tacit, iritic, at, keep eyes on. (11)

Nose ‘zoo’ oozes on…144

Nosegay ages on… (6, 85)

Nose-ogre dips same, Em, as spider goes on. (11)

Noses send doggerel: let a teller egg oddnesses on. (260)

Nosey E.T., eye Son. (237)

Nosh, oh son! (00-350)

Nosh, sip made babe dampish, son. (109)

Nosi, be dirtier, it’s procedural: lull a rude corps, tire it, ride bison. (277)

Nostradamus at ASU, Ma, darts on. 144

“Nostradamus, Uma darts on!” 144

Nostril flare femme, feral, flirts on. 109

Nostril flex: I pixel-flirt, son. 429

Nosy alpaca plays on? 144

Nosy alpha is semi-messiah, plays on. 429

Nosy alpine men I play, son. (260)

Nosy awl aside, T/N/Ed is always on. (144)

Nosy mega-star rats age my son! 144

Nosy men I fed define my son. 144

Nosy metadata, date my son! 429

Nosy Myrtle Worth’s Ash-Trowel: try, my son! (260)

Nosy sore loser, I fire sole rosy son. 429

Nosy, they’ll ask Sally, eh Tyson? (173)

Nosy tip–as it’s May, no swan gnaws on yams; tis a pity, son. (110)

Not a bastinado, Dan, it’s a baton! (152)

Not a hero, no, rigid, I dig iron ore, hat on. (71)

Not a hymen, I ram busy submarine, my hat on. 429

Not a postal flat, so, Pat, “On!” 237

Not a site nastier on gin a clever revel can ignore, it’s a net I sat on. 260

Not a stir, OK, nap son & no spank–or it’s a ton! (1)

Not all is well–Lew’s ill a ton. (307)

“Not anode, nor dramatic, I” Tamar, droned on a ton… (1)

Not as I won sport, lacrosse men I fan in a fine mess, or caltrops now I sat on. (260)

Not calling is a stubborn Rob, but’s a sign I’ll act on. 200

Not far is some moss I raft on. 144

“Not for Cecil?” asks Alice Crofton. (10)

Not issued ammo, deer fear guns, snug Rae, freedom made us sit on. (260)

Not La Paz–not Lima–here, Hamilton, zap Alton! (71)

Not lads simple, help Miss Dalton. (00-350)

Not lawyer prose: “I’d dub buddies or prey ‘Walton’.”435

Not Lebanon, no, nab Elton! (1)

Not Leona, I paw a piano, Elton. (254)

Not ‘Les Etats-Unis’: i.e. no final plan if one is in U. States, Elton. (260)

“Not Lesbos!” sobs Elton. (260)

Not Lima, here we were: Hamilton. 394

Not limp, I tip Milton. (71)

“Not limp, it’s Elba,” I raved, “I here hide variables, tip Milton!” (71)

Not limp, Sarge, we grasp Milton. (71)

“Not lobster?!” frets Bolton. 144

“Not Nadia–save Tulsa a slut, Eva.” said Anton. (254)

“Not new domain,” I, a mod, went on. 429

“Not new!” I went on. 144

“Not new well, Lilith!” (’til ill) Lew went on. (1)

“Not New York…” Roy went on. (10)

“Not news,[” Isis/Omar!” Amos/sad ass] went on. (71, 144)

Not Roma, nor Otto, pass a pot to Rona Morton. (71)

Not sermon, Giselle–sign Om, rest on. (237)

“Not so bad” negates a set agenda: Boston. 144

“Not so,” began Amy, “–manage Boston!” 144

Not sob story, not tube-top ace Capote, but Tony rots Boston. (231)

Not sober, I wire Boston. 372

Not sure when, eh, we rust on. 144

Not tap, Patton! (200)

Not to castigate tag, it’s a cotton. 429

“Not u, pig-nose!” (song I put on). 417

Notarise lame females I rat on. (260)

Notate, “We tat on”. 144

Notate, “We wet a ton”. 144

Note – a sore – I die!” – Rosa Eton. (71)

Note bamboo boob Ma bet on. 394

Note bistro [orts/perk reports/pondered no ports/ports] I bet on. 200

Note bitsy cyst I bet on. 144

Note both self-same new arts, all a-rut and natural-last raw enemas; flesh to bet on. (260)

Note bra: bar bet on? (200)

Note: Bret’s Luxor exposé of a foe’s op (xerox) Ulster bet on. 200

Note buoys you bet on. (245)

Note Dad: Eton. (4)

Note: GIs assess as I get on. 144

Note, Gin, if Yreka Bakery fini–get on. (1)

Note: Grab pull-up bar, get on. (447, 429)

Note I, dire grub: anise, yes in a burger diet on. 200

Note, I do Total, eggs, monster, geese, egrets (no MSG), gelato to diet on. 200

Note: Jewel bares Imogen’s tits ‘n’ ego; miserable, we jet on.(260)

“Note: Legacy sat, scenic in ecstasy!” Cage let on. 429

“Note lemon gas[,/is a basis,/is at stasis,]” a gnome let on. (260)

“Note leper, Dias,” Tut said re peleton. 144

“Note: Lisa got no day-care ’til a toga papa got a literacy ad on togas,” I let on. (260)

Note, lissome takes use Kate Moss, I let on. 200

Note loud solos duo let on. 429

Note nine men yawn, Wayne – men in Eton. (71)

“Note – no red roses sent?” I wondered, “no witnesses – order one ton!” (71)

Note: no sap maps pampas on Eton. (254)

Note–no tar, denim, or bromine (drat!) on Eton. (71)

Note not one ton. 144

Note, revere ton. (237)

“Note, rise, sit up, Ed,” I say, as I deputise Sir Eton. (71)

Note senile Tom’s “Inept Penis Motel”, in E. Seton. 71

Note: smiles made Noelle one damsel I’m set on. 423

Note snacks a man in a mask can sliver; evil snacks a man in a mask can set on. (260)

Note ta[b/d/g/n/p/r/x] at Eton. (4-1)

Note too, “Hoot, Eton!” (4)

“Note: true is no more, hero!” — Monsieur Teton. 394

Note was: ‘No Sununu son saw Eton.’ (169)

Note was, “Sununus saw Eton.” (1)

Note, we both cooperate, yet are ‘pooch to be wet on’!. 429

Noted loyal Pierre, “I play old Eton.” (71)

Noter of Pam’s age irons Noriega’s map for Eton. (307)

“Notes erase it,” I contrast, “it’s art no cities are set on.” (260)

Notes Stella, “It selects a fast celestial, let’s set on.” 429

Notified on a note, I diet on a node I fit on. (260)

Noting, I sign it on. (237)

“Nova” El cottons not to, Cleavon. (200)

Now a gloat: tell Etta Olga won. (254)

Now, a Jose Padilla’s all I’d ape, so jaw on. (255)

Now a mall llama won. (83)

Now, a mar on a panorama won!  1

Now, a “retirement ne merit” era won! 1

Now a sign is open, I manipulate men; I mine metal up in a mine; posing, I saw on. (260)

Now a sleeve Elsa won. (260)

Now air ads:Daria won! (335)

Now an intrepid lab I raged in, snide Garibaldi, pert Nina won. (260)

Now Ang Lee sees eel gnaw on. (307)

Now arise; I do ogle, Ma, camel goodies Ira won. (1)

Now as an ample hot swap-seller of soil of sad lots, a witness to dire prose, I burned a leg amid image-
laden rubies, or peridots, sent, I was told, as folios for Elle’s paws to help man a saw on. (260)

Now as an eye sees, “eye NASA” won. 290

Now, as I do owe [no one/rife fire] wood, I saw on. 144

Now, as I let up, I put, “Elisa won!” 144

Now, as I stab bats, I saw on. 144

Now, as wasps argue, I limp mad (a damp milieu), grasp saw, saw on. 429

Now aspire: rip saw on! 144

Now assigned den, GIs saw on.  1

Now, Bob won!  1

Now Bob’s ass I kiss as Bob won. 394

Now burgh’s in a denial, Elaine: Danish grub won. 200

Now De Sade’s arena organist castrated a jade tart’s acts in a groan erased as Ed won. (260)

Now Deb I, Greg, (golf flogger gibed) won. (1)

Now debonair dahlias, poor, drop or droop–sail, Hadrian, Obed won. (10)

Now, defile macabre herb a camel I fed won. (1)

Now deny Ned won? 200

Now Derek can kiss Anais A. Nin, as I, an ass (I, knackered) won. (103)

Now, despite tips, Ed won. 144

Now, Diana is sure, Russian aid won. (1)

Now Diana relapses, paler–an aid won! 483

Now die: R.I.P., maven of lower ewe notes; set one werewolf one vampire I’d won. (260)

“Now dine,” said I as Enid won. (10)

Now do I repay a period won. (5)

Now Ellen, a deviant rat, sold lost art naive Danelle won. 423

Now, eras are won! 144

Now erase it: I cane two hot togaed ions as no idea got to how tenacities are won. (260)

Now, eraser ores are won. 144

Now, ere he lit a love volatile, he re-won! (1)

Now ere we nine were held idle here, we nine were won. (10)

Now Eros saw Wapiti Paw was sore won. (180)

Now, Eva, Hewes’ use we have won. (1)

Now Eve, we’re here; we’ve won. (5)

Now, evil, I’ve won! (1)

Now, fine desperado, I repay baby a period: a Rep.’s Eden, if won. (1)

Now I am an apt eye doctor: I rot code yet Panama I won. (260)

Now I am to be bot Mai won! 483

Now I am upset, Amy: my mate’s puma I won. (260)

Now I code no DNA – and one doc I won. 260

Now I draw an award I won! (72)

Now I, fit, I rep an aperitif I won. (Now, if I tire, pan aperitif–I won!) 200

“Now,” I gab, “a bag I won.” (71)

“Now,” I gag, “A gag I won!” (71)

Now I hone my strategy (a silly, dim idyll): I say, “Get artsy, men–oh, I won!”  423

Now I may assess a yam I won. (260, 144)

Now I may let a lost lamb or a cat at a carob malt, so lately am I won? (260)

Now I murmur, “Rum, rum, I won.” 144

Now I must fold, loft, sum I won! 1

Now I must save not one vast sum I won. 430

Now I nod; egged on, I won. (118)

Now I part it I trap–I won! (237)

“Now,” I purr, “it’s a stirrup I won!” (71)

Now I race dismal gym noses on my glam sidecar: I won! (260)

Now I race on a canoe-car I won. (260)

Now I rot a torc in a titanic rotator I won. (260)

Now I saw sexes, was I won? (1)

Now I say, “Can its bored nihility let a reneged evil madam live degenerately til I hinder obstinacy as I won?” (260)

Now I say “Sir, copy hypocrisy!” as I won. (260)

Now I see banana bees I won! 483

Now I see bees I won. (149)

Now I see penis in epees I won! (1)

Now I see Pesci mimics epees I won. 200

Now I see, referees, I won. (73)

Now I set up Sid to plan a bottle by me; it’ll tie my belt to banal pot disputes I won. (260)

Now I sexed nine ponies in a groinal plan I organise in open indexes I won. (260)

Now I sneer: “Guru, gyrate: I deride dire dietary guru greens I won!” (260)

Now I stab bats I won. 451

Now I stun odd donuts I won. 415

Now I won! (many)

Now I’d named no-one, no foe was selfless; as selfless awe of one noon demand I won. (260)

Now if I don’t nod to get a map a mate got, don’t nod if I won. (260)

Now if I say so, grab a fab argosy as if I won. (260)

“Now if I’d dash a jar, a hamster frets,” maharajahs add if I won. (260)

Now if low loofahs upset a ripe raw late-model Bible, do metalware pirates push a fool wolf I won? (260)

Now in a horse race, no one cares, Rohan: I won. 144

Now in a mania, Ted Lasso locks a task: colossal “detain a man I won.” 144

Now in a memory my bra ended nearby my Rome man I won. 200

Now (in a pajama), “Japan, I won!” (208)

Now in a Vette, Van, I won. 200

Now in, I will, I win, I won. (237)

Now, in it, I defer it, I refer it, I re-fed it in, I won. 429

Now is a car fast if it’s a fracas I won? (260)

Now is a video booty call a fallacy to oboe divas I won? (260)

“Now it’s a Canopus Eye,” cited I, “eel bait: a snide Zagreb-born robber gazed insatiable eidetic eyes upon a cast I won.” (260)

Now it’s a pert repast I won! 144

Now joy: bury Ruby–OJ won! (1)

Now L.A., Al, won. 518

Now, Lon Nol won. (133)

Now Ma, in Ed’s den I am won!  1

Now, Mae, that Utah team won! (1)

Now, Miss, end a madness–I’m won. (71)

Now Mom won, now Dad won, now Mom won! 485

Now my “no dues”pseudonym won! (409-1)

Now, Ned, I am a maiden nun; Ned, I am a maiden won. (10)

Now, Ned, I am a maiden won. (10?)

“Now, Ned,” I began, “on age Biden won. ” 425

“Now on a bad day, a minima idiot revealed ‘Nam: no slender brewer bred Nelson Mandela ever to Idi Amin,” I may add, aba now on. 260

Now, one last piece retailored loftily lit folderol I ate: receipt sale now on! (260)

Now one portal I’m navigating is a sign I tag Ivan Milat … rope now on. (260)

“Now or never?” I ape now, “one pair even row on!” (260)

Now racecar won. (98)

Now, rats, racecar star won! (248)

Now remit reward, Dad: drawer Tim, er, ‘won’. (1)

Now Sahib, bar Arafat afar, a Rabbi has won! (307)

Now salad (lo brow, Asa saw, or bold) alas, won. 394

Now, saw Andes–Edna was won! (201)

Now, saw Di, as well lit as it is, it is a till Lew said was won. 200

Now saw ye no mosses or foam, or aroma of roses; so money was won! (10)

Now seven Eves, I saw as is: even Eves won.  1

Now sever, Eve, New Era series (oh, whose ires are!) we never, eves, won. (1)

Now shall alley shahs yell “Allah’s won!”? (260)

Now shall Ayas say Allah’s won? (260)

“Now, Sidney, leer freely: end is won!” 394

Now, siege is won! (85, 144)

Now sin, oh Tara, my marathon is won! (278)

Now, Sir, a war is won! (5)

Now, sir, a war is never even–sir, a war is won! (226)

Now, Sire, Desert Rose Resort re Seder is won. 200

Now, Sis, a tit “as is” won! (1)

Now, sis, I yell, averse to Vera’s USA revotes re valley ISIS won. 200

Now sit, lover, revolt is won! (149)

Now, son, Enos won. (62)

Now sore, too rigid, I harass Sarah — I dig, I root– Eros won! 396

Now steel fed a general a renegade fleet’s won. (260)

Now still a maniac, I remade red America in a mall it’s won. (260)

Now still a maniac I remain, I mar a mini-America in a mall it’s won. (260)

Now still, as in a pajama, Japan is all it’s won. 429

Now stop, major-general, are negro jam-pots won? (112)

Now, Syd, name Ramona no mare Mandy’s won. (254)

Now, tip arcs as gull lugs a scrap it won. (1)

Now to Pam, all-star brat’s llama pot won. 144

Now we jam, Adam: a Jew won! 507

Now wondered I, snockered, “Sir, is Derek considered now won?” 200

Now Yankees seek–nay, won. (109)

“Nowadays,” sobs Iris, “bossy Ada won!” 394

Nowise car-races I won. (71)

Nowise I bury rubies I won. (11, 71, 372)

Nowise I got stogies I won! 429

“NRA: Will I kill?” I warn. 144

Nubile date got to get a deli bun. (277)

Nude gal I snog on silaged UN! 144

Nude, lucid, I ridiculed U.N. (71)

Nude Rihanna hired UN. 200

Nude Wren or Ocala coroner we dun. (200)

Nudist army gym rats I dun. 144

Nudists I dun. (85,200)

“Nudists I nag,” go both tobogganists I dun. 200

Nudists I trap are rap artists I dun. 200

Nudists I’m on, organists I card, Nan, and racists in agronomists I dun. 200

Nun sees kook sees nun. (1)

“Nuncio, rehab Malta, or Croat lamb!” — A heroic nun. 394

Nuncio, tsar, beds Debra (stoic nun). 394

Nuns sell lewdness–send, well, less nun! 394

Nurse bursts rube’s run. 144

Nurse, can EMT menaces run? 144

Nurse made dames run. 144

Nurse reveres run. 144

Nurse song I dig: “Noses Run.” 144

Nurse yaps at a spa, “Yes, run!” 144

Nursery lyres run. (144)

Nurses, I lit up a Saxon ox a sap utilises … run! (260)

“Nurses,” I raved, “Eva rises – run!” (71)

Nurse’s ibises run. 144

Nurses, Ir[a/ene] rises – run! (71)

“Nurses – oh!” says sick Cissy as hoses run. (71)

“Nurses, on–noses run!” 144, 71

“Nurses, on!” [said I, ” – as/said Rev. Verdi, as/says Sam Massy, as] noses run!” (71)

Nurses on satin – I sew Wes in it, as noses run. (71)

Nurses on television, ill, in Illinois: I’ve let noses run. (260)

Nurses on wastrel alert saw noses run. 144

Nurse’s onset abates; noses run. (18or10?)

Nurses, onyxes, sexy noses run. (71)

Nurses order [Anna, Asa, Bob, Dad, Hannah, Mom, Otto, Sis, etc.] red roses–run! (307)

Nurses order red roses–run! (97)

Nurses ordered roses–run! (71)

Nurses process or calk lacrosse corpses–run! (71)

Nurses Rodney endorses run. (71)

Nurses run. (many — see also Commentaries)

“Nurses run!” says sick Cissy as nurses run. (11)

Nurses, runts [I fist/- I flee fine men – I feel fist ]- nurses run. (71)

Nurses say, [“Bury my rub/”Snap my pans]y!”; asses run. (71)

“Nurses!” Si hisses, “- run!” (71)

Nurse’s simp misses run. 144

Nurses sob; bosses run. (71)

Nurses suck cock, cusses — run! 71

Nut snack can stun. 144

Nuts, Stella, mania-pliant I await nail pain: a mallet’s stun. (1)

Nuts stun. (many)

Nutsy Amy may stun. 144

“N-word” slip upsets Estes–pupils drown! (307)

N-word yams may drown! 485